TBS Program Catalog

LUPIN THE THIRD ルパン三世   루팡3세   魯邦三世



LUPIN THE THIRD,ルパン三世,루팡3세,魯邦三世
(c)2014 Monkey Punch/"LUPIN The THIRD" Movie Project
LUPIN THE THIRD,ルパン三世,루팡3세,魯邦三世
(c)2014 Monkey Punch/"LUPIN The THIRD" Movie Project

In 48 B.C., Julius Caesar gave Cleopatra a diamond necklace as proof of his love for her. Over the centuries, this necklace became a legendary and highly-coveted treasure and symbol of ultimate beauty dubbed the Crimson Heart of Cleopatra (C.H.C). Inlaid with a ruby Red Diamond, the necklace was complete. But since ancient times, nobody has owned the two pieces together.
In possession of the Red Diamond is the Navarone Security Company, Asia’s largest security firm, under its shady CEO Pramuk. Meanwhile, the necklace is owned by Thomas Dawson, who rose to notoriety as former partner of the Lupin the Phantom Thief, Lupin III’s grandfather. After the death of Dawson, as inheritor of Dawson’s last will, Lupin III recruits Daisuke Jigen, Fujiko Mine and Goemon Ishikawa to help him penetrate the Arc of Navarone and steal back the treasure.
기원전48년. 유리우스 카에사르가 크레오파트라7세에게 사랑의 선물로 보낸 목걸이인 「미의 상징」으로 불리우는 역사적보물「크림존하트 오브 크레오파트라」. C・H・C 는 보물 레드다이아몬드와 이것을 끼워넣는 목걸이를 합치는 것으로 완성되지만 이 두개를 소유한 사람은 아직도 존재하지 않는다고 한다.
레드다이아몬드의 소유자는 아시아 최대의 경비회사 나바론 세큐리티사의 CEO이며 태국의 암흑사회를 뒤흔드는 거물해결사라는 두얼굴을 가진 미스터 프라묵.
목걸이의 소유자는 루팡3세의 할아버지인 괴도둑 루팡의 파트너로 이름이 익숙한 늙은 도적 토마스 도슨. 도슨이 죽은후 그의 뜻을 이은 루팡3세는 지겐 다이스케, 미네 후지코, 이시카와 고에몬과 함께 희귀한 보물을 되찾기 위해「방주」공략을 펼친다. 보물에 숨겨진 슬픈 숙명, 그리고 이들의 앞에 놓여진 비정한 덫은 과연?
紀元前48年凱撒向全世界宣言對埃及艷后克麗奧佩脫拉的示愛首飾,被譽為終極之美象徵的歷史秘寶「克麗奧佩脫拉之深紅之心」英文簡稱Crimson Heart Of Cleopatra C.H.C是以紅寶石和鑲嵌的首飾所組而成,但至今都沒有任何人看過兩者同時出現過。
持有紅寶石的人是亞洲最大的警衛公司拉帕隆保全公司的頭目在背後是泰國黑社會的操縱者牛B大佬。而持有首飾部分的人則是魯邦三世的爺爺怪盜魯邦的搭檔,馳名的老怪盜湯瑪斯道森。在道森死去後,繼承了道森遺旨的魯邦三世召集了次元大介,峰不二子和石川五衛門打算用方舟攻略將秘寶奪回。 纏繞在秘寶中的悲慘宿命,等待他們的到底是喜還是悲?

Her Granddaughter

娚の一生   남자의 일생   她的孫女

119 min.

Tired of a busy Tokyo career and painful relationships, Tsugumi quits her job and flees to the home of her grandmother in the countryside to restart her life. When the grandmother dies, Tsugumi encounters a college professor named Kaieda, who had borne a long admiration for the grandmother. Kaieda oddly finds himself irrepressibly drawn to Tsugumi and finds his way into moving in with her. Initially, the discrepancy in their ages is discomfiting to Tsugumi, but she gradually finds herself opening up to him. A young woman convinced she could never be happy. And a man in his 50s who had long abandoned thoughts of love or settling down. Here is a mature love story about how two very mismatched lives can come face to face with each other, bringing lessons about life and love.


カミワザワンダ   카미와자 완다   神技・旺達

30 min. x 46 eps.|46 episodes

Unbeknownst to most humans, every task they carry out is programmed, and it is thanks to mysterious creatures called “Promin” working in the background, that the world keeps functioning smoothly.
But an evil entity called Bugdeth has come to Earth seeking to create negative energy by causing bugs in the programs which will ultimately allow him to materialize in our world. Soon his minions, the Bug Bites, are turning the Promin into bugs in the system called “Bugmin.” These Bugmin wreak havoc and cause mischief. Suddenly people’s cars won’t stop, or they can’t lock their door!
Luckily, the King of a distant world has sent his son “Wanda” (the space dog?) to save Earth from Bugdeth, but he’ll need to find some help first. That is when Yuto, our reluctant hero appears.
Now Wanda must convince Yuto to help him capture and dubug the Bugmin using the two key items for such a purpose: a special flashlight and camera. Once Yuto is on board they can together capture and clean Bugmin to gain access to that Promin’s special abilities, called “Kamiwaza,” to fight other Bugmin!
Can this boy and dog(?) work together to save the Earth?



120 min.

The near future in Japan, in the age officially known as ‘Change for the Better’.
It is a time in which the expression of thought is censored, and the media is tightly controlled. Bearing up under a harsh regimen of instruction under the terrifying Atsushi Dojo, Iku Kasahara is now a full-fledged member of the Library Defense ‘Task Force’, and divides her time between hard physical training and regular library work. Dojo and the rest of the Task Force are ordered to guard a public exhibition featuring ‘The Handbook of Library Law’, a book widely seen as the symbol of freedom, of which there is only one existing copy. The assignment seems easy enough, but this is in fact a trap designed to wipe out and thus disband the Task Force and restore a twisted society to the correct moral path. Can Dojo and his unit defend both an invaluable book and themselves? The members of the Task Force must put their lives on the line in the greatest battle they have ever faced: The Last Mission.


劇場版 MOZU   극장판 MOZU   劇場版 MOZU

116 min.

6 months have passed since national security policeman, Kuraki, along with fellow investigators Osugi and Akeboshi started poking around into a mysterious wife and child murder case. The so-called Mozu Incident exposed part of a shadowy organization within the police department, but proved to be only the tip of the iceberg for a much larger conspiracy. Two simultaneous terrorist acts, a skyscraper occupation and bombing, and the attacking to the embassy of Penam have put Kuraki and his team on the trail of “criminal planner” Takayanagi and professional assassin, Gondo. But they both work for someone deeper behind the scenes, cryptically known as “Daruma”, a man tied to Japan’s criminal history and who has been working on some elaborately nefarious plan. Kuraki and his partners’ pursuit of the truth take them to the Republic of Penam where they find themselves embroiled in deadly confrontation with their last true enemy, Daruma.


忍びの国   닌자의 나라   忍者之國

124 min.

It is a warring period in feudal Japan. The warlord, Nobunaga Oda, is rapidly vanquishing his foes on a quest to pacify and unify the country under his rule. However, there is one domain that he forbids to lay a hand on, that of the Iga ninja, whom even the great Nobunaga fears most. The Iga are known to wield extraordinary and supernatural powers as invincible weapons of war who will assassinate anyone for money, and money only. They don’t think of people as human and are dubbed “the killer clan”. But there is one Iga ninja, Mumon, who while peerless in ability is indolent and taken to task for an inability to earn much of an income. In the fall of the year Tensho 7, Nobunaga’s second son, Nobukatsu Oda, decides to ignore his father’s orders and attack the Iga country, partly encouraged by Taizen Heki, a man who had once turned on his master and was now employed as a vassal of Nobukatsu. Heibe Shimoyama, whose brother had been killed by Mumon also seeks revenge on the 12 Iga ninja core, including Sandayu Momoji and Kai Shimoyama. Amid various colliding interests and schemes, ultimately, a major bloody showdown is coming between Oda’s army and the Iga ninja.

ROOKIES: Graduation

ROOKIES - 卒業 -   루키즈   菜鳥總動員: 畢業決戰 不良學園終極電影版

137 min.

A fired-up high-school teacher who teaches his baseball team the importance of having a dream, and the students he leads, burning with this dream of a national championship. A group of modern young people of the baseball club at Futakotamagawa High School: they have no hope for the future, and no idea of what they want to do. ‘The world is full of hope,’ a new teacher, Kawato shouts at them. ‘Don’t make fun of people who have dreams.’ Overcoming problems with the new players, and an injury to their captain, with Kawato, they move into the semifinal tournament that leads to their final chance at a national championship. Will the dreams of the Futakotamagawa baseball team come true? Meanwhile, graduation day draws near..…

S: THE LAST POLICEMAN-Recovery of Our Future-

S 最後の警官 Recovery of Our Future   S 최후의 경관 Recovery of Our Future   S 最後的警官 Recovery of Our Future

119 min.

A nation of people seemingly content to go about their business, not thinking too much, but simply trying to lead normal and peaceful lives. And then one day, a bus jacking incident occurs to rouse them from their reverie.
Ex-boxer turned cop, Ichigo Kamikura leads the NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), called “S”, effort to deal with the crisis, but so far, no demands have come from the perpetrator, and a sinking feeling of impending doom sets in among the force. Sure enough, a massive tanker off the Japanese coast in the Pacific is next reported as having been seized! On board is enough nuclear fuel to blow up the entire country.
A final battle begins with the nation’s future and the lives of 120 million at stake.....!

Samurai Harem

明日のよいち!   내일의 요이치!   明日的與一!

30 min. x 12 eps.|12 episodes

Yoichi has been raised in the mountains by his samurai father, and now has great athletic skill and swordsmanship. One day, his father tells Yoichi that staying with him would not further increase his skills, and so it is decided that to grow stronger in body and mind he is to move to the city. Entering an affiliated dojo in the city, Yoichi is pleased to find that four sisters live at the dojo: Ibuki, Ayame, Chihaya and Kagome. Seeing the big city and girls for the first time has got Yoichi all turned around! On top of that he’s got to deal with bullies at school and assassins out to get him. With all these distractions will Yoichi ever get around to his studies to become a great samurai?

The Floating Castle

のぼうの城   노보우의 성   傀儡之城

145 min.

Nearing the end of Japan’s long years of civil war, with Toyotomi Hideyoshi one short step away from finally uniting the land under his rule, he sends a massive army north against the Hojo clan, his last enemy. The one stronghold he cannot take is Oshi Castle, a Hojo outpost in the land of Bushu. Called ‘the floating castle’ because of the lake that surrounded it, it is under the command of one Narita Nagachika, an extremely popular ruler known to the people of his domain as ‘Nobou-sama’, from deku no bou, or ‘blockhead’.


東京PRウーマン   도쿄PR우먼   東京PR女人

83 min.

Reina Misaki is bank worker plagued by self-doubt for constantly bumbling her job. And then one night she attends a social mixer that leads to an interview with a public relations firm and a new job thanks to a whimsical president, despite her having given a very lackluster interview. On her first day at the new job, she is shocked to learn that her direct superior is Kusakabe, the very man who was so exasperated by her at the interview. Still, Reina also immediately earns the jealousy and enmity of fellow female workers who all pine after Kusakabe. But Kusakabe makes life a living hell for Reina, subjecting her to a daily barrage of work place abuse and criticism… until one day at a product meeting where she casually expresses an idea that much to her surprise gets adopted and becomes a major PR coup, drawing enormous media attention. Having transformed into the hottest person in the business, Reina is ecstatic when the company president names her to head up the next big account. It’s all smooth sailing until the day of the big campaign announcement when a host of trouble suddenly threaten to bring the world crashing down upon her. But someone steps in at the last minute with a helping hand: Kusakabe.