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Ryuji Sainei (載寧龍二)

SPEC~Close~incarnation / SPEC~Close~reincarnation

劇場版SPEC ~結(クローズ)~漸(ゼン)ノ篇/爻(コウ)ノ篇   SPEC ~완결~   SPEC~Close~ (SPEC~結~)

incarnation: 94 min. reincarnation: 91 min.

The much-anticipated sequel to the SPEC series, Close comes to theaters in two parts, "incarnation" and "reincarnation" and promises to deliver an ultimate conclusion to the franchise and all SPEC holders who have appeared, both new and old. The world is divided into those who possess SPEC, and those who do not. The world is beginning to waver, and a period is about to be placed on the history of mankind. A simple plan. Fatima's 3rd prophecy. Solomon's key. All mysteries hitherto unsolved will be revealed! What fate awaits Toma and Sebumi and the whole human race here at the beginning of the end?