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Yuki Yamada (山田裕貴)

Pending Train

ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と   펜딩 트레인 - 8시23분 내일 너와   Pending Train - 8時23分,明天和你在一起

75min × 1 ep / 60min × 9 eps

It begins as any other day with commuters and passengers catching the 8:23 train. That is, until one train car suddenly warps into a wormhole and lands in a devastated future world. Without smartphones or social media, the passengers must confront extraordinary and extreme conditions. Mere strangers yesterday, they must face their worst fears and instincts for survival, deception, and love as they fight to get back home in this exploration of how people deal with unprecedented events.

JUMP!!:The Heroes Behind the GOLD


115 min

The 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics. Carrying the hopes of a nation, Japan’s was seeking its first ever gold medal in the Men’s Large Hill Team event. On the sidelines stood one man who harbored particularly strong emotions toward team ace, Masahiko Harada. That man was former Japan ski jumper, Jinya Nishikata.

In the previous Winter Olympic games at Lillehammer, Norway, Nishikata had appeared alongside Harada as a teammate. He had just made the team’s longest jump of 135 meters. Japan looked like it had the gold medal in the bag. But then Harada flubbed his jump. And they had to settle for second place, a silver medal. Vowing to erase that humiliation at the next winter games in Nagano four years later, Nishikata threw himself into training. But then he injured his back and was dropped from the team. His hopes crushed, Nishikata was, however, asked to participate in the Nagano games as a test jumper.

A test jumper’s job is check for any hazards on the hill prior to the event, and to make numerous jumps should it start to snow during the event to pack down the snow. Despite being resigned to a humiliating behind-the-scenes role, Nishikata gathered the other test jumpers, all with back stories of their own, and began preparing for the event.

And then it came. In the first round, Harada again made a poor showing. Team Japan fell to fourth place. But then a fierce blizzard blew in, stopping the action. If the event were to be called now, the first round results would stand.

Just then, the event judges called together all 25 of the test jumpers and said, “If you can all jump, we’ll resume the event.” Miraculously, Japan’s path to a gold medal lay open again, and in the hands of Nishikata and his 24 test jumpers.

Three Dads

3人のパパ   3인의 아빠   3個爸爸大戰小寶

30 min x 10 eps|10 episodes

Takuto, our protagonist, shares a house with his friends from high school – Kyohei and Hajime. He comes home to find a baby sleeping peacefully in the room. When the other two residents also return, they read a letter that has been left on the desk. “This is your baby.” Although they’re not quite sure what to do, the young men begin to feel responsible and they appear to make a decision to raise it together. However…

The three young men – afraid of learning the truth - take on the task of raising a baby in this slapstick comedy drama.

How would react if you suddenly became a father?


死幣   사폐   死幣

30 min × 10 eps|10 episodes

College student and Economics major, Yuka Minami (19) suddenly learns of the freakish death of her friend, Ikumi, on whose corpse were found reams of 10,000-yen bills. The eyes of Yukichi Fukuzawa, the face on the 10,000-yen note, had all been darkened black. When the bodies of 5 more men and women around Ikumi turn up in the same manner, rumors spread of a “death cash” curse. Frantic over this rash of inexplicable deaths in her immediate surroundings, Yuka one day hits upon a certain “rule” she believes might combat the workings of these fatal deaths. Horror and suspense surround her in this visceral depiction of modern society’s biggest and most terrifying subject: money.