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Satoshi Jinbo (神保悟志)


アカギ   아카기   赤木

60 min × 10 eps|10 episodes

A sweltering summer evening in 1965, legendary mahjong master (or “janshi”), Shigeru Akagi, challenges Japan’s richest and most powerful underworld kingpin, Iwao Washizu, to a special game of “Washizu rules mahjong” in which Akagi must stake his own blood against the assets of his opponent. A cop dedicated to taking Washizu down and an up-and-coming crime syndicate leader named Ohgi, are hoping Akagi is talented and crazy enough to win. On this night, mahjong history will be made.

Justice is Blind: The Moving Tale of a Vision-Impaired Lawyer(Based on a True Story)

全盲の僕が弁護士になった理由   전맹인 내가 변호사가 된 이유 ~감동서스펜스 실화!~   全盲的我變成律師的理由~真實故事改編的懸疑劇~

120 min x 1 ep|1 episode

Based on the writings of a true life, vision-impaired lawyer comes a story about a blind man who manages to pass the extremely difficult bar exam and earn his lawyer’s license. Long desiring to help the weak, Kensuke Okochi gets a job at an attorney’s office while he and his wife, also blind, look forward to their first child. When a plaintiff in a divorce case decides to withdraw from litigation, Kensuke worries at first that it has to do with his own perceived inadequacies as a lawyer, but a few days later, he is visited by the female plaintiff, Satomi, showing injuries to her body. While it appears an open and shut case of domestic violence with an audio recording as proof, Kensuke detects a “certain scent” coming from the plaintiff which gives him pause as to her real intentions.

Cover-up Investigation

隠蔽捜査   은폐수사   粉飾調查

60 min. × 11 eps.|11 episodes

Shinya Ryuzaki plays a pivotal role in the national police force as liaison between the police, Diet politicians, bureaucrats and the mass media. When he learns about the murder of a violent gang member through the newspapers instead of the usual direct reporting to him by media outlets, he is perplexed and seeks answers from an old friend and colleague on the police force, Shuntaro Itami, who is now Chief of Criminal Investigations. A series of ensuing crimes pointing to the same perpetrators begins to uncover links to a major unsolved scandal from the past, stirring up shadowy forces of corruption inside the police department. Ryuzaki forces himself to cast aside protocols of rank and status in favor of taking a thoroughly rational approach to solving the crime, embroiling his friend, Itami, in a lonely battle for justice.

A Tale of Happiness

しあわせのシッポ   행복의 꼬리   幸福的尾巴

75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 11 eps.|12 episodes

After 20 years of absence after her parent’s divorce, Miwo’s father shows up on her doorstep asking to live together. Now a high school teacher and all grown up, Miwo is puzzled but can’t refuse her own father. They begin living under the same roof, and it does not take Miwo long to learn her father has grown ill and does not have long to live. Will their short time together be enough to make up for their long time apart?