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Kayoko Kishimoto (岸本加世子)

Preparing for Goodbye

妻が夫をおくるとき   아내가 남편을 보낼때   與夫離別

135 min. x 1 ep.|1 episode

It happened all so suddenly. Sugako Hashida had urged her husband to be examined after he complained of chest pains. She had never given any thought to a major illness from the way her husband deftly went about fulfilling his long-cherished dream of becoming a farmer. But the verdict from the doctor, given first to Hashida before the patient Iwasaki himself, was cruelly unexpected. He has terminal cancer that cannot be operated on, and only six months to live. Knowing that her husband cannot fight the disease and that the time remaining is all they've got, Hashida elects not to tell Iwasaki. How to prepare for that inevitable "day of parting" becomes the central theme of this autobiographical drama written in the first person by screenwriter Sugaoko Hashida the author of numerous masterpiece dramas who confessed, "Of all the things I've experienced in my life, nothing could compare with the pain of this."

Autumn Bride

花嫁   신부   新娘

126 min. x 1 ep.|1 episode

The condemned Katakura house is so old it is a wonder it hasn't yet been torn down. Its tenant, a widow named Chiyo, has just completed a Buddhist service memorializing the 7th year of her husband's passing and is preparing to move out to make way for the home's destruction amid urban development. Meanwhile, her grown eldest son shows up suggesting they live together while her eldest daughter, Setsuko, brings talk of a suitor for her mother - now pushing 60 - to remarry. The suitor, Uichi Kurosaki, strikes Setsuko as an ideal companion for her mother as he is a friend of Chiyo's late husband, has no children and plenty in retirement savings. But the other daughter is adamantly against the proposition, sparking a fight among siblings whose varying interests clash in this revealing depiction of family, compassion, empathy, hard reality and richness of spirit.


だいすき!!   너무 좋아 !!   最喜歡你!!

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

Yuzu Fukuhara is a 23-year old with a slight mental disability. With childlike innocence, Yuzu falls in love and becomes pregnant. The sudden death of her child’s father throws Yuzu into confusion even as she becomes a mother. Yuzu’s dogged efforts win the unflagging support of those around her, but a far more difficult path lies ahead than anyone can imagine.