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Shigeyuki Totsugi (戸次重幸)


ファイトソング   파이팅 송   心動迎戰Song!

75min × 1ep / 60min × 9eps

Hanae dreamed of representing Japan in karate until misfortune deprived her of everything. She mopes about until she encounters Haruki, composer of the song that once motivated her before karate matches. Romance blooms but is complicated by Shingo, a flashy childhood friend long in love with Hanae. Meanwhile, Hanae harbors a secret” that she can’t tell anybody, and determines to experience “the last romance of her life.” Will this slightly awkward but unclouded heroine get her wish?


半沢直樹   한자와 나오키   半澤直樹

85 min × 1 ep / 75 min × 4eps / 60 min × 5eps|Eps 10

【2nd Season】Naoki Hanzawa is back! A banker at the Tokyo Central Bank who's exposed many injustices inside the bank , the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double revenge” for clients and their outlandish demands ?
Convention - busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.


死幣   사폐   死幣

30 min × 10 eps|10 episodes

College student and Economics major, Yuka Minami (19) suddenly learns of the freakish death of her friend, Ikumi, on whose corpse were found reams of 10,000-yen bills. The eyes of Yukichi Fukuzawa, the face on the 10,000-yen note, had all been darkened black. When the bodies of 5 more men and women around Ikumi turn up in the same manner, rumors spread of a “death cash” curse. Frantic over this rash of inexplicable deaths in her immediate surroundings, Yuka one day hits upon a certain “rule” she believes might combat the workings of these fatal deaths. Horror and suspense surround her in this visceral depiction of modern society’s biggest and most terrifying subject: money.


ヤメゴク〜ヤクザやめてもらいます〜   야메고쿠 ~야쿠자 그만두겠습니다~   脫黑~不再當黑社會~

78 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

Inside the Metropolitan Police’s Organized Crime Task Force, a help line has been set up to assist repentant organized criminals in their effort to permanently cut ties with their syndicate. Dubbed the “Going straight hotline”, it is spearheaded by a fearless female police officer Bakushu Nagamitsu, played by former AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, who stands ready to crush anyone threatening those under her protective custody no matter how powerful that threat may be. Depicting the struggles and maturation of Bakushu and those around her, “Yamegoku” is a groundbreaking police drama with great heart and soul not seen since “SPEC” and “Keizoku”.

Summer Rescue:Clinic in the Clouds

サマーレスキュー 〜 天空の診療所 〜   섬머 레스큐 ~천공의 진료소~   夏日救援隊~天空的診療所~

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

The setting is a real life medical clinic in a tiny remote mountain village and summer retreat. It is a place where a young doctor, nurses and med students for one summer can come face-to-face with real life patients and real life problems, ponder the meaning of existence and their medical profession. Keigo Hayami is a young heart surgeon with a cool as a cucumber demeanor and a promising future at a major university hospital. But he’s here for the summer on order by his superior to tend to local patients at an altitude of over 2,000 meters in a clinic lacking in most modern medical equipment and medicine. Here, a doctor has only one means of treating their patients: talking to them. They must deal directly with patients, and learn the skills of bedside manner. For it is here wherein lies the “heart of medicine” and Hayami is in for a major transformation, as both doctor and human.