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Chikako Kaku (賀来千香子)

Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan (S1,2)

浅草ふくまる旅館 1,2   아사쿠사 후쿠마루여관 1,2   淺草福丸旅館 1,2

Season1: 60 min x 11 eps Season2: 60 min x 11 eps|22 episodes

A heartful drama revolving around an old and established Japanese inn in Asakusa, depicting the scenes between the employees and guests visiting the inn. The dialogue between the guests and the owner of the inn, Daikichi Fukumaru, who has a deep sense of social obligation and compassion, brings tears and laughter to the audience. It is a piece of work that touchingly delivers various forms of “love” through laughter.

The Eldest Boy and His Three Elder Sisters

末っ子長男姉三人   막내장남 누나셋   老么真命苦

75 min x 1 ep. / 60 min x 9 eps.|10 episodes

Haruko Takanashi is 30. She works at a radio station, and is approaching middle management where good looks alone aren’t enough. She isn’t very romantic so she devotes herself to work and play and suddenly finds herself alone. Just when she has given up on romance she meets a man at a party to which she was taken by a subordinate at work. He is 25-year-old Ichiro Kashiwakura and is nothing out of the ordinary. They start a relationship, and one day, out of the blue, Ichiro ardently proposes to Haruko. Realizing that he really loves her, Haruko says yes and they get married. But she still hasn’t told him her real age. Now Haruko has to cope with living with Ichiro’s mother, Satoko, eldest sister Setsuko who has returned home, 2nd daughter Kazuko who has just returned from a prestigious overseas post with her company and the third daughter Sachiko who seems to have reached a bit of a dead end in her life. Competition for Ichiro’s attention is only one of many problems that arise!

I Cannot Tell Anybody

誰にも言えない   누구에게도 말할 수 없다   不言不語

60 min x 12 eps|12 episodes

A happily married woman is suddenly confronted with a painful past when her old boyfriend moves next door. Blinded by the pursuit of power and status, he had abandoned her to marry the daughter of a company president. Now she must once again journey through a minefield of love and hate to guard her marriage and her own integrity.

I've Loved You from the Start

ずっとあなたが好きだった   줄곧 당신을 사랑했어요   深情不變

60 min. x 13 eps.|13 episodes

Ten years after their amicable separation, the couple meets again. Only now, Miwa is about to marry, and the man also has cultivated a relationship with another woman. This complex romance focuses on Miwa’s search for genuine happiness after enduring the stigma of a failed marriage.

Seven Men and Women, Summer Story / Autumn Story

男女7人夏物語、男女7人秋物語   남여 7인의 여름 / 가을 이야기   男女7人夏物語/男女7人秋物語

Summer: 60 min x 10 eps Autumn: 60 min x 11 eps|21 episodes

Three men in their early 30s and four women in their late 20s who haven’t let go of their youth try to continue enjoying life without any particular goals. The various ways in which their lives become entangled make for entertaining viewing.