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Rei Kikukawa (菊川怜)

Prosecutor Akakabu in Kyoto

赤かぶ検事 京都篇

120 min. x 1ep. / 60 min. x 8 eps.|9 episodes

After many long, hard work as a prosecutor’s assistant, Shigeru Hiiragi has finally been promoted to public prosecutor. Known as “The Red Turnip Prosecutor” for his love of pickled turnip and his ability to stir a little humor into the usual staid and tense court, Hiiragi brings a breath of fresh air to the legal trade with his humanism, while also wielding years of legal knowledge and hard-wrought experience, much to the chagrin of elite defense lawyers. Set against the tradition and history of Kyoto, here is a legal mystery with a little extra flavor.

Loved to Love

愛するために愛されたい   사랑하기 위해서 사랑 받고 싶어   跨時空愛情

70 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 9 eps.|10 episodes

Motoharu is an elite pilot who has just completed astronaut training at NASA. A past incident has caused him to go out searching for something missing in his life, but he hasn’t been able to find it and thus the void in his heart has only expanded. However, when Akiyama meets Reiko, a director at an investment bank who is looking at investing in an attempt at the first Japanese space shuttle launch, they are both changed forever. Although a mere chance encounter, their meeting seems to have much greater implications and deeper cosmic connections than even they are aware.


マリア   마리아   瑪莉亞

75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 9 eps.|10 episodes

Sora, the third daughter of four sisters, is a selfless soul who runs a medical clinic she inherited from her father which cares for primarily poor and weak patients. Sora is shocked to learn that she has a younger step-sister, Hiyo, whom her father had out of wedlock, and is loath to accept her into the family. However, it is revealed that Hiyo has a secret which pits Sora’s dislike for her step-sister against her otherwise generous nature.