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Scenario Writer Name: Masaya Ozaki (尾崎将也)

Justice is Blind: The Moving Tale of a Vision-Impaired Lawyer(Based on a True Story)

全盲の僕が弁護士になった理由   전맹인 내가 변호사가 된 이유 ~감동서스펜스 실화!~   全盲的我變成律師的理由~真實故事改編的懸疑劇~

120 min x 1 ep|1 episode

Based on the writings of a true life, vision-impaired lawyer comes a story about a blind man who manages to pass the extremely difficult bar exam and earn his lawyer’s license. Long desiring to help the weak, Kensuke Okochi gets a job at an attorney’s office while he and his wife, also blind, look forward to their first child. When a plaintiff in a divorce case decides to withdraw from litigation, Kensuke worries at first that it has to do with his own perceived inadequacies as a lawyer, but a few days later, he is visited by the female plaintiff, Satomi, showing injuries to her body. While it appears an open and shut case of domestic violence with an audio recording as proof, Kensuke detects a “certain scent” coming from the plaintiff which gives him pause as to her real intentions.

Party of One

おひとりさま   독신   單身情歌

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

Satomi is 33 years old and a teacher of Japanese history at a prestigious private high school. By anyone’s standards, she has both talent and beauty, but has been dubbed Ms. “Party of One” for wanting to do everything completely on her own. Work has been pretty hectic for her of late, and she has no time nor inclination for romance. But at a welcoming reception for a handsome new teacher 10 years her junior, Shinichi, she winds up releasing built-up tension in her life by getting very drunk. When she awakes the next morning, she is greeted by a terrible hangover and the sight of Shinichi, lying on the floor!