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Kei Watanabe (渡辺慶)

Wedding Story

理想の結婚   이상의 결혼   理想的結婚

60 min. x 10 eps.|10 episodes

Although a couple may enter into a marriage expecting love to conquer all, the reality rarely meets this fantasy. Abandoned by her boyfriend and fired from her job for resisting her supervisor’s advances, Mari meets Tsutomu, who has been jilted by his fiancee. When their commiseration quickly turns to love, their families see only more trouble on the horizon. Is a happy union in store for this star-crossed young couple? Whatever happens, their journey in this romantic comedy is sure to be a hilarious examination of love and marriage.

The Midday Moon

真昼の月   낮달   擁抱白天的月亮

90 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 11 eps|12 episodes

When a woman is viciously raped, the traumatic event robs her of her self-confidence and ability to love as she had loved before. With special attention to her story of personal triumph over adversity, this touching drama recounts the tale of two lovers attempting to regain the happiness and level of affection that was theirs before her attack.