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Eriko Hatsune (初音映莉子)
ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 - 만능감정사Q 萬能鑑定士Q 119 min.
In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan.
Girls for Keepsガール 걸 (Girl) 粉領族 124 min. Yukiko, Seiko, Yoko and Takako are the most improbable group of friends given the fact that they work in very different industries and live in different worlds. Yukiko is a fashion maven devoted to expressing her individuality through clothes. But she’s pushing 30 now, and is beginning to acknowledge the pressure to dress appropriately for her age. Seiko has been promoted to a managerial position but finds herself having to constantly do battle with her elder male subordinates. Yoko fantasizes about marrying a gorgeously handsome company freshman 12 years her junior. Takako is a devoted single mother whose hard daily effort more than compensates for a father role. The Things You Taught Me君が教えてくれたこと 그대가 일깨워 준 것 讓愛說出來 60 min. x 12 eps.|12 episodes A young autistic woman, Mayuko, who has difficulty understanding and processing human emotions, meets with a young former psychiatrist, Shinichi, who is still getting over the unexpected death of his longtime girlfriend. Shinichi begins to help her with her skills of human interaction, but as he gets to know Mayuko better, he finds that she may be helping him to remember the feelings of love that he has forgotten in his grief. |