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Noriko Iriyama (入山法子)
Light of My Lionライオンの隠れ家 사자의 은신처 獅子的藏身處 60min × 11eps Hiroto, a kind and earnest older brother and his autistic younger brother, Michito, led an ordinary life together - until one day, a five-year-old boy appeared at their doorstep claiming to be their nephew. This boy, who refers to himself as “Lion”, says he is the son of Hiroto and Michito’s sister, who they believed was dead. However, she was actually alive only to vanish again, entrusting her young son to the brothers’ care. The trio develop a strong camaraderie as they seek to unravel a thicket of lies and a grand scheme of love, surrounding the mysterious sister. PANIC INPANIC IN 30 min × 10 eps|10 episodes
Who can resist a good crisis or the scent of a woman?
After School is Mystery Time!放課後はミステリーとともに 방과후 미스테리와 함께 放學後再推理 30 min. x 9 eps.|9 episodes
A huge fan of the Hiroshima Carp baseball team, you the viewer become the story protagonist, Ryo Kirigamine, vice-president of the Young Detectives Club at Tokyo’s Koigakubo Academy. In the search for truth, each week the school club gets tangled in perplexing local crimes and mysteries, including murder!