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All Australian Ninja Warrior오스트레일리언 닌자 워리어 澳大利亞忍者王 Season 1: 90 min × 9 eps Season 2: 90 min × 12 eps Season 3: 90 min × 10 eps Season 4: 90 min × 10 eps|Eps 41 Ninja Warrior Austria challenges the toughest contestants from all over the country to face the hardest competition of their life. Over 200 Austrian athletes will try their best – but only the best 25 will make it to the big finale. Ninja Warrior Hungary닌자 워리어 헝가리 忍者大戰 匈牙利 120 min.|10 episodes Thousands of people have come forward to prove that they are able to overcome the monumental obstacle course that only a few could achieve in the world so far. Amazing excitement, a stunning track and super-power is promised by the world-famous show. After Japan, America and many other countries in Europe, Ninja Warrior arrived in Hungary. Do not miss anything, pleasing to the greatest fighters! Takeshi’s Castle Indonesia風雲!たけし城 インドネシア版 타케시성 인도네시아 風雲!Takeshi's Castle 印度尼西亞最新版 Season 1: 90 min × 20 eps Season 2: 90 min × 20 eps Season 3: 90 min × 20 eps|Eps 60 The adventure revived! Takeshi’s Castle is back in a new Indonesia version! The hugely-popular and legendary game show returns as a brand new reboot with contestants taking on ever more rigorously chosen challenges sure to generate plenty of laughs and seat-of-your-pants excitement. KUNOICHIKUNOICHI 쿠노이치 極限體能女王 3 eps 150 ~ 180 min series|3 eps A spin-off program from SASUKE. KUNOICHI (a word for a female ninja) puts professional and amateur athletes, celebrities and general participants on a challenging obstacle course. Who among these women has the skills and stamina to clear all areas and be crowned champion? American Ninja Warrior아메리칸 닌자 워리어 美國忍者王 Season 1 (2009) : 30 min x 8 eps Season 2 (2010) : 60 min x 10 eps Season 3 (2011) : 60 min x 8 eps / 120 min x 1 ep Season 4 (2012) : 60 min x 21 eps / 120 min x 3 eps Season 5 (2013) : 60 min x 18 eps / 120 min x 4 eps Season 6 (2014) : 120 min x 14 eps / 180 min x 1 ep Season 7 (2015) : 120 min x 16 eps / 180 min x 2 eps Season 8 (2016) : 120 min x 14 eps / 180 min x 1 ep Season 9 (2017) : 120 min x 16 eps / 180 min x 1 ep Season 10 (2018) : 120 min x 16 eps / 180 min x 1 ep Season 11 (2019) : 120min × 17 eps, 180min × 1 ep Season 12 (2020) : 120 min x 9 eps Season 13 (2021) : 120min × 15 eps Season 14 (2022):120min × 14 eps Season 15 (2023):60min × 8 eps / 120min × 8eps|Eps 227
American competitors try to do what few others have, conquer Mount Midoriyama.
American Ninja Warrior JuniorAmerican Ninja Warrior Junior 아메리칸 닌자 워리어 주니어 美國小忍者王 Series1 : 20 eps Series2 : 17 eps Series3:15 eps Nominated for an Emmy four years in a row the worldwide phenomenon “American Ninja Warrior” has a broad fan base but the biggest among them is the KIDS. And now for the first time, the kids can actually be a part of “American Ninja Warrior” in the new program “American Ninja Warrior Junior”. “American Ninja Warrior Junior” features up to 200 boys and girls from 9 to 14 years old from across the country. Two players at a time from each of three age groups (9 & 10, 11 & 12, and 13 & 14 year s old) compete head- to-head on identical parallel obstacle courses, with the player who completes the course in the shortest amount of time advancing to the next round. Battle of the Super Boyz究極の男は誰だ!? 最強スポーツ男子頂上決戦 최고의 남자는 누구인가!? 최강 스포츠 남자 정상결정전 終極美男體能爭霸賽 Mongolian Ninja Warrior몽골리언 닌자워리어 蒙古忍者王 MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge) 30 min. x 78 eps|Eps 78 Highly rated and critically acclaimed, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge is the break through comedy that premiered in the United States on Viacom’s Spike TV. Known as MXC, and made from footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle, it has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced into a hilarious, intentionally over-produced, modern "action/X-treme" sports show. MXC pits such teams as "America's Meat Handlers" against their hated rivals, "The Cartoon Voice-Over Actors." Ninja WarriorNinja Warrior 닌자전사 忍者戰士 30 min: 135 eps 60 min x 2 eps Including special and preview episodes Spanish version (30 min): 21 eps|30 & 60 min series
Divided into four extreme stages, 100 competitors face the ultimate test of strength and will in their quest to become champion. Many are called. Few are chosen. Who’s tough enough to become the next Ninja Warrior! Produced by Monster 9 and airing on Japan’s Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), Ninja Warrior has become an international sensation.
Ninja Warrior Espana닌자 워리어 에스파냐 西班牙忍者王 Ninja Warrior Germany닌자 워리어 독일 德國忍者王 Ninja Warrior Sweden닌자 워리어 스웨덴 極限體能王・瑞典版 Ninja Warrior UK닌자 워리어, 영국 極限體能王-英國篇 Series 1 : 60 min x 8 eps Series 2 : 60 min x 8 eps Series 3 : 60 min x 8 eps Series 4 : 60 min x 8 eps Series 5 : 60 min x 8 eps Series 6:60 min x 8 eps|Eps 48 The toughest obstacle course on television has come to the UK. Competitors from all walks of life have prepared for this grueling challenge in many different ways, but they share one dream, to be crowned UK's Ninja Warrior. SASUKESASUKE 極限体能王 사스케 120~480 min × 42eps
“SASUKE” is challenges of Olympic proportions that are designed to test the limits of human ability. Each program features 100 competitors who take on the enormous four stage course.
SASUKE Indonesia사스케 인도네시아 極限體能王・印尼篇 Series 1: 60-120 min × 25 eps Series 2: 60-120 min × 36 eps|Eps 61
Only the toughest contestants who pass the tryouts are entitled to compete in the competition consisting of six stages with increasing difficulty.
SASUKE Vietnam사스케 베트남 極限體能王 越南篇 Series 1: 60 min × 20 eps Series 2: 60 min × 20 eps Series 3: 60 min × 20 eps Series 4: 60 min × 20 eps Series 5: 60 min × 20 eps|Eps 100
340 highly-capable challengers from across Vietnam challenge the indomitable SASUKE. Will any of them defeat the course?
Takeshi's Castle風雲!たけし城 풍운! 다케시 성 風雲~百戰百勝 Takeshi's Castle Comedy Central VersionComedy Central 버전 타케시성 Comedy Central 版「百戰百勝」 Takeshi's Castle Saudi Arabia타케시성 사우디 沙烏地阿拉伯版「百戰百勝」 Takeshi’s Castle Thailand風雲!たけし城 タイ版 타케시성 - 타이 泰國版 百戰百勝 100 min x 85 eps Including special and best of episodes|Eps 85
The classic game show, “Takeshi’s Castle”, returns to life in Thailand!
Team Ninja Warrior/Ninja vs. Ninja팀 닌자 워리어 極限體能王・隊伍戰 Unbeatable Banzuke부동의 반즈케 打不敗的上榜戰士: 暫譯 65 eps 30 min series|65 eps Welcome to Japan’s Legendary Temple of Champions, where athletes gather to face the most difficult challenges ever conceived…testing balance, endurance and sheer strength. Competitors have one goal, beat the course. Victory is elusive as thousands have tried to conquer dozens of different challenges. The few that succeed are added to the Banzuke, the List of Champions. Who will top The Unbeatable Banzuke? |