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Takashi Nagayama (永山たかし)
Scary Fairy Talesコワイ童話 무서운 동화 寒慄童話 30 min. x 24 eps.|24 episodes A suspense-filled, modern adaptation of a Grimm fairytale expressing the cruelty and bizarre nature of the original. Ayumi Tachibana is a high school senior who lacks self-confidence and is bullied by classmates. Moreover, she is treated like a slave at home by her elder sister, Misato, who is a fashion model. One day, Ayumi is invited by her friend, Erika, to a mixer of popular students including Satoru. But there again, she is teased and made fun of. On her way home, she finds a photo that emits an eerie light, and hears a voice telling her, “Your prince awaits you.” |