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Edamame Tsumami (つまみ枝豆)
Kochikameこちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 여기는 잘나가는 파출소 烏龍派出所 120 min x 1 ep / 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 6 eps|8 episodes Here comes the long-awaited television drama adaptation of a story that holds the Guinness Book record for longest-running serial comic at 33 years! Set in Tokyo’s venerable Kameari district with its vestiges of traditional downtown Tokyo, the story follows the heartwarming lives and zany antics of Captain Kankichi Ryotsu, his peers’and the people on his beat at the Kameari Park Front outpost of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Katsushika Precinct. |