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Riho Nakamura (中村里帆)
Love Begins When the Money Endsおカネの切れ目が恋のはじまり 돈이 떨어지면 사랑이 시작된다 錢的盡頭是愛情的開始 75 min × 2 eps / 60 min × 6 eps|Eps 8 Owing to a certain incident in her past, Reiko Kuki knows the value of money better than anyone. Thrifty with her spending, this poor, “around-thirty company woman meets Keita Saruwatari, the moronic president’s son and profligate spendthrift with no memory at all of how he spends his dough. When these two polar opposites spend a summer learning about money management with a bunch of other financially-quirky people, personalities and values clash to produce some unexpected comedy and romance. |