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Masashi Sada (さだまさし)

ISHIKO and HANEO: You're Suing Me?

石子と羽男ーそんなコトで訴えます?ー   이시코와 하네오 ー그런 일로 고소합니까?ー   石子與羽男:這種事能告嗎?

75min × 1ep / 60min × 9eps

Personalities and complexes collide between a Tokyo University-educated paralegal, Shoko (“Miss Compliance”) and a young lawyer with only a high school degree, Yoshio (“Mr. Bohemian”). Nevertheless, they somehow manage to help clients in a small town through the “Ushio Legal Counseling Office” in this off-color legal drama! With Shoko’s sharp wit and stubbornly single-minded passion, and Yoshio’s penchant for acting cool, the two are more similar than they would admit despite constant bickering as they fight for the rights of their clients.