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Koji Ohkura (大倉孝二)


アンナチュラル   언내추럴   非自然 法醫女王

75 min × 1 ep / 70 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 8 eps|10 episodes

A story-a-week episodic medical mystery that treats the theme of reality changing when faced with imminent death. Mystery and exhilarating human drama unfold against the backdrop of the “unnatural death institute”, or “UDI”. For example, the body of a young man is brought into the UDI lab one day; his cause of death attributed to ischemic heart disease in which blood fails to be conveyed to the heart. But the victim’s parents are puzzled by the freak nature of their son’s death and turn to medical coroner Mikoto, to find out why. Together with her lab technician partner, Yuko Shoji, and rookie medical recorder, Rokuro, they examine the body for a possible drug poisoning, and then learn that another female colleague of the deceased man has just died suddenly.

The Grass is Always Greener

となりの芝生   옆집 잔디   家家有本難念經

114 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 11 eps|12 episodes

The Takahiras have just purchased their dream home. As Kaname Takahira and wife, Tomoko, finish moving in, they are joined by Kaname’s mother, Shino, who lives with her eldest son for an overnight housewarming visit. Tomoko is told that Shino only plans to stay for a week at the longest, so imagine her surprise when a few days later, a truck full of possessions belonging to Shino arrives at the Takahiras front door. “The Grass is Always Greener” hits the airwaves as an entertaining contemporary remake of a hugely popular 1976 drama, “Problems between daughters and mothers-in-law.”


ジョシデカ!-女子刑事-   죠시데카!-여형사-   女警!

65 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

A sharpshooting rookie and a veteran with a brilliant track record are paired to solve a number of different cases. The two incompatible women clash about everything, and we see them developing a friendship, hating one another, working as team, laughing and crying as they follow the trail of clues set by a serial killer.

High School Teacher

高校教師   고교 교사

65 min x 2 eps / 60 min x 9 eps|11 episodes

Hina, a student at Nikko High School, goes out one evening with Beniko, a girl from her year. They get split up and Hina ends up in a strange meeting with a man named Ikumi in a game arcade. The next day, Ikumi turns up as the new teacher at her school. Ikumi doesn’t seem to recognize Hina but the wheels of fate are slowly moving to reunite them in what is a passionate story of forbidden love.