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Masaki Aiba (相葉雅紀)

We’re not Alone

ひとりぼっち ー人と人をつなぐ愛の物語ー

120min × 1ep|1ep

Shinya Sugi is an architect who lost his parents at 15, and then his sister to illness. Now, he sleepwalks through life as a water meter reader until a friend takes him to a rice ball shop called Tachibana. There he is dumbfounded to meet the owner, Kaoru, who looks identical to his late sister. Kaoru has a knack for helping customers untangle their life problems and bring a smiles to their faces. Shinya, however, poses his biggest challenge in this miraculously heart-wrenching drama.

Drop-out Teacher Returns to School

ヤンキー母校に帰る   불량학생 모교로 돌아오다   不良少年回母校

75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 9 eps. / 135 min. × 1 ep. (Special)|10 episodes and Special

Based on a true story from Hokkaido’s Hokusei Yoichi High School, the first high school in Japan to accept high school dropouts nationwide and the subject of a successful documentary, this drama will follow a former gang member, dropout and graduate of the school who returns as a teacher. We will follow him as he helps graduating students out into the world. The teachers and students will, as you would expect, confront all the issues of youth and society today. At this school, there are no compromises, no lies. This drama will move you as both students and teachers face a variety of issues head on. This is a moving story that is created by people coming together and learning to believe in each other.