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Rio Matsumoto (松本莉緒)

Lifeflash Incorporated

走馬灯株式会社   주마등 주식회사   跑馬燈株式會社

30 min. x 10 eps.|10 episodes

"Somato" is a term referring to the phenomenon at the brink of death where a person sees their whole life pass before their eyes. Those who are lost and happen to stumble into the Somato Incorporated are guided by Kaminuma by the entreaty, "Take as much time as you'd like to look back over your life" and then are handed a set of DVDs equal in number to each of your age. They contain parts of your life you had forgotten and your life as viewed by others. What's more, you get to learn the shocking truths you were not capable of knowing before, forcing you to face up to facts so shocking they may never recover. After watching every volume, what are people left thinking? Are they left with a sense of despair? Or hope.

When the Saints Go Marching In

聖者の行進   성자의 행진   聖者的行進

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps|11 episodes

Exploring the perception and treatment of mentally-challenged youth and their similarities to juvenile delinquents in Japanese society, this drama series follows the trials and tribulations of a group of adolescents in a work/study program for mentally-challenged teenagers. Although the program’s intention is to gently “normalize” them for introduction in society, the group is subject to constant physical and mental abuse unbeknownst to their parents and teacher, Ms Hagawa. However, the friendship between Towa, a naive but unusually articulate member of the program, and Arisu, a rebellious schoolgirl, helps both of them learn to overcome their troubles. Features a star-studded cast of current popular youth idols.