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Yoko Minamino (南野陽子)
NAOKI HANZAWA半沢直樹 한자와 나오키 半澤直樹 85 min × 1 ep / 75 min × 4eps / 60 min × 5eps|Eps 10
【2nd Season】Naoki Hanzawa is back! A banker at the Tokyo Central Bank who's exposed many injustices inside the bank , the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double revenge” for clients and their outlandish demands ?
Jackpot Families 1 & 2一攫千金夢家族 1、2 일확천금을 꿈꾸는 가족 1, 2 美夢成真家族 系列 Part.1: 30 min. x 30 eps. Part.2: 30 min. x 30 eps.|60 episodes Haruka is an ordinary, run-of-the-mill homemaker living in a typical suburban neighborhood who has developed a close relationship with two other housewives in the area. Until one of the lottery tickets the housewives purchased together turns out to be a million-dollar winner! It should’ve ended with everyone cashing in their winnings. But money is the commoner’s dream. And the dreams they look to fulfill are indeed surprising. Fortune has a way of wreaking havoc with people’s lives, and once-thought happiness quickly turns to chaos and animosity. This is a bittersweet, laugh-and-cry drama about what money can do to a group of ordinary women and men, all wrapped up in a little black comedy. |