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Tokio Emoto (柄本時生)

I will Not Work Overtime, Period!

わたし、定時で帰ります。   저, 정시에 퇴근합니다.   我,準時下班

85 min × 1 ep / 67 min × 2 eps / 60 min × 7 eps|10 episodes

A satisfyingly heart-warming comedy in support of all people struggling to make their way in an age of revolutionary changes to the workplace. First tackling the issue of overtime work, the drama spotlights not only systemic reforms taking place, but the change in mindset occurring among working people as they re-envision the shape of future society and the balance between life and work. Currently, Japanese society encompasses widening views on overtime including those who regard it as a necessary evil and others who still see it as a virtue. The protagonist in this story, however, does not. As is a new-age working girl with the personal motto: “Go home at the appointed time,” her working life is a constant battle with High-maintenance r colleagues and ethically-questionable superiors. And yet she still manages to discover small miracles every day, imparting pithy yet inspirational messages about Why we work, the importance of self-love and the value of friendship.


ビギナーズ!   비기너스 !   初學者!

70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

A police academy dormitory for young cadets in training means 10 months of constant surveillance, harsh abuse by drill sergeants, no off campus R&R, definitely no cell phones and absolutely no romance! It is a practically unthinkable setting in contemporary Japan. In this hellish boot camp, the only moral support the young cadets have comes from each other… or does it? Protagonists Teppei, Danji, Hiro belong to the Class S, which happens to be filled with the lowest achievers and last-minute replacements. The bar is set high for Teppei and his band of “underachievers,” but they’re determined to prove themselves worthy, or die trying.