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Takayuki Takuma (宅間孝行)


予告犯   예고범   予告犯

119 min.

“Let me tell you what I will do tomorrow,” announces a man wearing a newspaper hat and posting a bizarre clip from an Internet cafe.
Meanwhile, at the cyber crime task force of the Metropolitan Police, it is the job of an elite female investigator, Erika Yoshino, to crack down on irresponsible acts committed online.
One day, her virtual dragnet snares an unsettling video. It is a man railing against an incident of food poisoning by a food company: “Those incapable of handling food will be thoroughly cooked themselves!” Moments later, a food factory is set on fire.
One after another, the newspaper man vigilante together with his cohorts, proceed to serve up their own brand of vigilante justice on the world. But in reality, they are embittered society dropouts who had degenerated to living in close quarters and doing hard labor.
The prophetic crimes eventually escalate to an alarming level with police fearing acts of organized terror. However, Yoshino begins to suspect that these are neither acts of terrorism nor crimes of pleasure but instead driven by a completely different purpose…