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Yuki Izumisawa (泉澤祐希)

Ripe for the Picking


Maiko is an ordinary office worker with a deep hang up about being a virgin at over 30. She obsesses over what she feels is an inability to experience life as other “normal” people do, which haunts her in her work and private life. Then things begin to change when she meets Kagiya, an employee at a copy machine maintenance company. New circumstances propel them both on personal quests for answers as they struggle to overcome life’s many challenges in a poignant love story that explores the human condition.

Our Love Song!

愛のうた!   사랑의 노래!   愛之歌

30 min. x 45 eps.|45 episodes

Aki loses her husband-to-be right before their wedding. What is left for her are the three children he had with his ex-wife. This story depicts the transition of Aki and the children instantly becoming a “family,” discovering love and bonds and building a true family. The new family of four heals their wounds of losing their loved one by gradually clearing up normal household issues and becomes true to themselves through their life in the nature of Nasu Heights.

Home Drama!

ホームドラマ!   홈 드라마   家庭倫理劇

120 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps|Eps 11

In a house on the outskirts of Tokyo, there lives a family of eight. Such a large family is rare these days, however not one of them is related by blood. They all lost a loved one in the same holiday accident. Moved by the suggestion that they all move in together, they have gathered in this house. Each has their own issues and it makes for the start of a tumultuous home life, but the eight grow closer together as a family. This is a human drama full of heart and mixed with laughs and tears depicting a group of deeply wounded people beginning to believe in tomorrow and live life more positively.