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Mayumi Asaka (朝加真由美)
Ms.Kanna!カンナさーん! 칸나씨! 強的媽媽 栞納! 75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|10 episodes Kanna Suzuki is a powerhouse woman with single-minded devotion once she puts her mind to something. Working for a fashion designer, her dream is to someday design clothes that will make women everywhere amazingly attractive.” But her world begins to spin out of control when she discovers that her “loving” hunk of a husband, Rei, is having an affair! Meanwhile, her unreasonable boss dumps loads of work, her husband is a mama’s boy and her mother-in-law drops in unannounced to dote on her son and grandson, and all while Kanna is trying to raise a needy 4-year-old son, Reon. Pushed to a breaking point and battling the world alone, Kanna, however, isn’t one to run, bend or break. Instead, she girds herself for battle, stokes her inner fire and confronts adversity head on, chasing her dream in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment for herself and her son. The Family Seasonママとパパが生きる理由。 엄마와 아빠가 살아가는 이유 媽媽和爸爸活著的理由 60 min. x 5 eps.|5 episodes A dramatization based on a true story about a married couple both diagnosed with cancer and given limited time to live. As mother of two young children, Shuko Yoshioka notices a lump in her chest one day and goes to a hospital to have it checked out. When she is diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband Kenichi is fully prepared to battle the disease with her until he finds out that he, too is ill with lung cancer. For the sake of the children, the couple determine to not let this defeat them, but to approach life cheerfully and positively in what is a stirring and unforgettable record of a family driven by the strength of love and who never forgets their sense of humor. Based on a blog called “Husband, 39, and Wife. A Couple Given Limited Time to Live” about family and battling illness. |