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Koyuki (小雪)
The Battle of Mr. & Mrs. Sasaki佐々木夫妻の仁義なき戦い 사사키 부부의 의리없는 싸움 佐佐木夫妻的無仁義之戰 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes Norimichi Sasaki is methodical and inflexible. His wife Ritsuko is big-hearted and earthy. They are both lawyers and even the slightest of matters can develop into a battle royal as they both let fly with the legalese. The troubles that unfold in the work and private life of this diametrically-opposed couple are depicted with a deft comic touch. The Eldest Boy and His Three Elder Sisters末っ子長男姉三人 막내장남 누나셋 老么真命苦 75 min x 1 ep. / 60 min x 9 eps.|10 episodes Haruko Takanashi is 30. She works at a radio station, and is approaching middle management where good looks alone aren’t enough. She isn’t very romantic so she devotes herself to work and play and suddenly finds herself alone. Just when she has given up on romance she meets a man at a party to which she was taken by a subordinate at work. He is 25-year-old Ichiro Kashiwakura and is nothing out of the ordinary. They start a relationship, and one day, out of the blue, Ichiro ardently proposes to Haruko. Realizing that he really loves her, Haruko says yes and they get married. But she still hasn’t told him her real age. Now Haruko has to cope with living with Ichiro’s mother, Satoko, eldest sister Setsuko who has returned home, 2nd daughter Kazuko who has just returned from a prestigious overseas post with her company and the third daughter Sachiko who seems to have reached a bit of a dead end in her life. Competition for Ichiro’s attention is only one of many problems that arise! You're My Petきみはペット 너는 애완동물 寵物男友 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes In education, career and appearance... Sumire is perfect, too perfect for even her boyfriend, who summarily dumps her. Also sexually harassed at work, Sumire takes matters into her own hands. Returning home depressed and lonely, she finds a young man, Takeshi, injured inside a cardboard box. She takes him in, but can't get him to leave, so she offers to keep him if he agrees to become her "pet." With nowhere else to go, Takeshi accepts and immediately takes to his new role. While they are cultivating their relationship as "master" and "pet," a man whom Sumire was attracted to a long time ago, returns to Japan. Although he promises to provide her with the perfect life she has always wanted, Sumire finds she can't stop thinking about "Momo." Could she be falling for her pet? I Wanna Fall in Love !!恋がしたい恋がしたい恋がしたい 사랑하고파 사랑하고파 사랑하고파 好想好想談戀愛 75 min x 2 eps / 60 min x 9 eps|11 episodes Ryosuke’s bride-to-be ran out on him one week before the wedding. Ai is self-centered and never knows what she wants. Shy and introverted, Mikan longs to find her true love. All three meet late at night in a diner and are never the same again. Having been given the wedding gift for Ryosuke’s former bride-to-be and finding that it contained shoes she was wishing for, Mikan figures fate is trying to tell her something. But Ryosuke seems vexed by Ai’s mysterious beauty, and Mikan must convince him of their fate together before Ai’s charm carries him away. Ikebukuro West Gate Park池袋ウエストゲートパーク 이케부크로 웨스트 게이트 파크 池袋西口公園物語 75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 10 eps. / 120 min. x 1 ep. (Special)|12 episodes Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21 year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth gang called the G-Boys. Known for his cool head and ability to get things done, Makoto becomes a key trouble-shooter for the gang by diffusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm’s way. However, the death of his girlfriend and an escalating turf war with a rival gang threaten to be more than Makoto can handle. |