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Ken Horiuchi (堀内健)


病室で念仏を唱えないでください   병실에서 염불을 외지 마세요   請不要在病房念佛

75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|Eps 10

Shoen Matsumoto is both a trained paramedic and Buddhist monk attached to a hospital. While providing emergency care straight from the mortuary while still in monk clothes unnerves some patients, Shoen nevertheless proves fully devoted to saving lives, and if that’s not possible, performing rites of spiritual passage for those that die. Dedicated to both roles, he finds himself often at odds with other doctors and colleagues over the best care for patients while bringing solace that only he can to bereaved families. As a doctor, his mission is to save lives. As a monk, it’s saving souls. Growing through this existential struggle, Shoen gives us a life-size drama in which to reflect on the true meaning of life and death.

Welcome to the High Plains

高原へいらっしゃい   고원으로 오세요   歡迎來到高原飯店

90 min. x 1 ep. / 70 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 8 eps.|10 episodes

As a former manager of a top hotel, Seiji has been entrusted with the reopening of a hotel in the high plains that has been boarded up and closed for years. With a budget of 20 million yen, he begins to hire interesting characters to work there and rebuild the hotel. However, his attempts to get a top chef to draw customers fail. The staff members begin to worry about the hotel’s future and try to leave, but at precisely that moment, an elderly man who used to be a chef at a top hotel pays a visit. Will this mean success for Seiji or just add to his troubles?

I Will Save the Earth

ぼくが地球を救う   내가 지구를 구한다   拯救地球

75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 10 eps.|11 episodes

Ever wonder what would it be like to hear other people’s thoughts? Yusaku, an ordinary guy in an ordinary job finds out, when doctors revive him after a nasty fall down a flight of stairs. He soon realizes that he has this amazing power to read minds, but that it comes with an unusual limitation: he can only access them for 57 minutes after knocking his head tumbling down stairs! This is no problem for Yusaku though, who has always been a klutz. Soon he has turned himself into a peculiar modern day hero in an endless cycle of throwing himself down stairs to help those around him. This hilarious comedy shows just how far an ordinary guy will go to become the hero he has always wished to be and save the earth!