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Yuka Itaya (板谷由夏)
Risking it All: The Spirit of the Men in Orangeテレビ未来遺産 ORANGE〜1.17 命懸けで闘った消防士の魂の物語〜 ORANGE – 1.17 목숨걸고 싸운 소방관의 영혼의 이야기 Orange 1.17 拼命奮鬥的熱血消防員的魂之物語 135 min x 1 ep|1 episode Yamakura of the Kobe Fire Department aspires to wear the vaunted “orange” uniform of an elite rescue force that only 3% of all firefighters can attain. But to do so, he and his fellow trainees must suffer through the most rigorous training. As Yamakura and his fellow trainees grit their teeth and complain, their superior officer, Sakurai, impresses upon them the lessons of the Great Hanshin Earthquake (Kobe Earthquake) 20 years ago as “the only time we ever lost.” What hap-pened on the front lines of rescue that day and in the aftermath? What raced through the hearts and minds of rescuers as they tried to get a handle on unimaginable disaster? The shocking facts pour from Sakurai’s mouth in hopes of preparing the recruits for the unforgettable event that awaits them. Alumni: Three Times in Love同窓生 〜人は、三度、恋をする〜 동창생 ~ 사람은 세번 사랑을 한다~ 同窗會~三度愛上你 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes Based on an original work by master manga romance writer, Fumi Saimon, “Third Time a Charm” follows the emotional lives of four middle school classmates now in their 40s who are reunited at their 25th class reunion. The encounter sends them spiraling into the fire of ardent and complicated romance. “True love” fuels Kenta and Akehi’s efforts to turn back the clock despite looming realities. Nevertheless, Kenta is reawakened to Akehi’s importance while Akehi is emboldened to rebel against her violent husband. Meanwhile, Ryosuke and Kaoruko give themselves freely to their newfound passion for each other until cracks gradually begin to appear. Four people well into middle age seek a life do-over in this emotionally-charged romance. The Eyes of a Cop刑事のまなざし 형사의 눈빛 刑警的目光 60 min x 11 eps|11 episodes In his early 40s, Nobuhito Natsume is a late-blooming rookie cop, having switched careers after many years as a legal counselor in a juvenile correctional institute. Assigned to the East Ikebukuro Police Precinct in Tokyo, Natsume goes from a job of trusting people to one that requires doubting them. But he aims to get at the truth of a case in a deliberate, careful and sensitive means, speaking from his heart and digging up truths locked away in people's minds. Taking on all manner of heinous crimes of varying motives, Natsume himself comes from a family victimized by crime, exuding the compassion that only those truly hurt by crime can understand, and squarely facing the loneliness of both criminals and victims. He is a man with the lucid vision to see into the human soul and glean the truth of shocking cases despite their many twists and turns. Here is a compelling mystery thriller with a very human face. Girls for Keepsガール 걸 (Girl) 粉領族 124 min. Yukiko, Seiko, Yoko and Takako are the most improbable group of friends given the fact that they work in very different industries and live in different worlds. Yukiko is a fashion maven devoted to expressing her individuality through clothes. But she’s pushing 30 now, and is beginning to acknowledge the pressure to dress appropriately for her age. Seiko has been promoted to a managerial position but finds herself having to constantly do battle with her elder male subordinates. Yoko fantasizes about marrying a gorgeously handsome company freshman 12 years her junior. Takako is a devoted single mother whose hard daily effort more than compensates for a father role. The Cat Lawyer and the Invisible Man: A Corpse’s Ransom猫弁 고양이 변호사 貓說 120 min x 2 ep|2 episodes Despite being celebrated as a brilliant lawyer, Taro Momose is a poor and lonely bachelor who lives in a run-down apartment and has never had a relationship with a woman in all his 40 years. Softhearted to boot, Momose has also become owner of a gaggle of cats that lost their home in a civil pet suit Momose had taken on. As a result, his Shinjuku office is littered with cats. Es-tranged from his mother at a young age, Momose has long dreamed of having a real family, but repeated use of dating services has yielded nothing. His professional motto is to accept all cases and then work to develop its merits and means for resolution. Once all the pieces have been put together, results nobody could have predicted await in this heartfelt mystery series brimming with tears and laughter. A Stranger of Mine運命じゃない人 운명이 아닌 사람 意外的陌生人 98 min. The story takes place in the time span from early evening on Friday to Saturday morning, centering around Miyata, the protagonist who is in the midst of misery, and how he comes close to grasping happiness. Three episodes as seen through the viewpoints of five people- 'a man who is devastated because he has lost the love of his life,' 'a man who is tired of being a detective,' 'a yakuza who is having trouble running his organization,' 'a woman who is thrown into despair because her fiancee was two-timing her,' and 'a con woman who twists men around her finger'- are sandwiched between a short prologue and epilogue. The cause and effect behind these apparently simple episodes surface one after another, and the unexpected relation between them bring friendship and the complicated nature of humans to light. |