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Yukie Nakama (仲間由紀恵)
The Good ListenerSAKURA 〜事件を聞く女〜 사쿠라 ~사건을 듣는 여자~ SAKURA~傾聽事件的女人~ 115 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|10 episodes
Undercover cop Sakura Mizusawa assumes many faces as she teams up with a hot-blooded detective, Masato Takeuchi, to form a crime-solving tag team with an ear for the truth.
A “NEET” Romance: How to Restart Love恋愛ニート 〜忘れた恋のはじめ方 연애 니트~잊어버린 사랑을 시작하는 방법 戀愛尼特族~被遺忘的戀愛法則 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes Following the death of her parents, 32-year-old Rin takes a job in the sales promotion section of a publishing house in order to earn enough to support her younger sister and brother. But she’s earned a reputation from colleagues both above and below as the “hard to handle type” due to a strong-willed nature. But when Rin attends the “divorce ceremony” of a close friend she meets a dentist, a food company researcher and a part-time temp worker (“freeter”) . And soon, all three of are wooing her. The only problem is, Rin, now into her 8th year of abstinence from romance has forgotten how to pursue a relationship. So too, however, have the three men. They are so-called romance NEETS; not currently engaged, educated or trained… in love. And to grow, everyone needs a little love. Autumn Bride花嫁 신부 新娘 126 min. x 1 ep.|1 episode The condemned Katakura house is so old it is a wonder it hasn't yet been torn down. Its tenant, a widow named Chiyo, has just completed a Buddhist service memorializing the 7th year of her husband's passing and is preparing to move out to make way for the home's destruction amid urban development. Meanwhile, her grown eldest son shows up suggesting they live together while her eldest daughter, Setsuko, brings talk of a suitor for her mother - now pushing 60 - to remarry. The suitor, Uichi Kurosaki, strikes Setsuko as an ideal companion for her mother as he is a friend of Chiyo's late husband, has no children and plenty in retirement savings. But the other daughter is adamantly against the proposition, sparking a fight among siblings whose varying interests clash in this revealing depiction of family, compassion, empathy, hard reality and richness of spirit. 99 Years of Love: JAPANESE AMERICANS99年の愛~JAPANESE AMERICANS 99 년의 사랑〜JAPANESE AMERICANS 99年的愛〜JAPANESE AMERICANS 150 min x 2 eps / 139 min x 2 eps / 125 min x 1 ep|5 episodes 99 years ago, a Japanese man emigrated to the vast expanse of America with hopes of survival and dreams of a brighter future. He and those like him were settlers, 1st generation Japanese-Americans. From them were issued a second generation which grew up bearing little knowledge of, nor devotion to, their parents’ homeland. And yet fate was to deliver them all a cruel blow... as war proceeded to tear them apart along national and generational lines. This is a story about Japanese immigrants who endured the horrors and tragedy of war, overcame deep prejudice and attained their dreams in a new land through love and courage. I'd rather be a Shellfish私は貝になりたい 나는 조개가 되고 싶다 我寧願做貝殼 139 min. 1944, in the depths of World War II. Toyomatsu Shimizu is a completely typical barber from a remote seaside town who lives frugally but happily with his wife Fusae and their 5 year-old son. Eventually, though, the army beckons and he is drafted. One day an officer on the battlefield orders him to kill a captured American soldier. Although Toyomatsu lacks the spirit to kill the man, and only wounds him in the arm, the victorious Americans will not accept this, and Toyomatsu is arrested and tried as a war criminal. And he receives the cruelest sentence possible... Joshidekaジョシデカ!-女子刑事- 죠시데카!-여형사- 女警! 65 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes A sharpshooting rookie and a veteran with a brilliant track record are paired to solve a number of different cases. The two incompatible women clash about everything, and we see them developing a friendship, hating one another, working as team, laughing and crying as they follow the trail of clues set by a serial killer. P.S. I'm fine. -ShumpeiP.S.元気です、俊平 P.S. 잘 있어, 슌페이 P.S.我很好! 60 min. x 11 eps.|11 episodes Even though he failed his entrance examination, Shumpei scouts out the entrance ceremony of Waseda University and determines in his mind that he will devote the next year studying to get into the university. As he is leaving the campus, Momoko, an energetic freshman, suddenly drafts Shumpei against his will to help her sell school maps to fellow freshmen. Although annoyed by her overbearing persistence, Shumpei eventually befriends Momoko; but her doctor-boyfriend and his hang-ups about his former high school sweetheart keep them from getting any closer. |