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Tomoya Nagase (長瀬智也)
Story of My Family!!!俺の家の話 우리 집 이야기 我家的故事 75min × 2eps / 60min × 8eps|Eps 10 Now sidelined due to injury and age, former pro-wrestling star Juichi Miyama was once groomed by his father, Jusaburo, an acclaimed Noh actor and “Living National Treasure,” to be his successor. But the young Juichi rebelled, left home, and cut off ties with his family. Now he’s just learned that his father, having miraculously survived a critical illness, intends to marry his young caregiver and leave all his money to her. So Juichi decides to return home to help with his father’s care, setting the stage for a showdown between Juichi’s family on one side and his father’s mysterious caregiver on the other. I'M SORRY, I LOVE YOUごめん、愛してる 미안하다 사랑한다 對不起、我愛你 85 min × 1 ep / 75 min × 2 eps / 60 min × 7 eps|10 episodes Ritsu Okazaki was abandoned by his mother when a child and has since scraped out a seedy life in the only place that will comfortably accept him: the underworld. But one fateful day, Ritsu incurs a serious-head injury during a scuffle, and is informed by a doctor that he could go at any moment. With time running out, he sets out to find his mother, Reiko Hyuga. What he finds, however, is a happy and wealthy woman who spends her time lavishing love on another son named Satoru. Ritsu is torn between feelings of jealous hatred and yearning for the love of his mother. That’s when he’s reunited with Rinka, a girl he’d helped before. But Rinka has long been in love with Satoru, a childhood friend, but she has kept those feelings to herself. A mother and two sons, a girl and two men: two love triangles that intersect and clash to produce a bittersweet love story. Kurokochiクロコーチ 쿠로코치 黑教練 85min x 1 ep / 60min x 9 eps|10 episodes It happened in December 45 years ago. Amid pouring rain, a man pretending to be a motorcycle cop robbed an armored car making off with 300 million yen and pulling off one of the most notorious heists in Japanese history. The case has never been solved. Fast forward to present time and to the 2nd Crime Division of prefectural police headquarters in charge of reining in political corruption. Kurokochi isn't a gangster or a street punk. He's a fearless and brash "detective" who has a knack for finding the vulnerabilities of politicians and extracting from them large sums of money which he then puts toward solving heinous crimes. A lone wolf without a partner or subordinates in what is dubbed "the police's underside," Kurokochi is something of a dark hero who knows how to fight fire with fire. But a huge shadow haunts him. Where is that 300 million yen now? Who really did it? Inside the police department are secrets buried under secrets. The crime drama of a lifetime begins right here. Detective Lovesickうぬぼれ刑事 나르시스트 형사 花痴刑警 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps|11 episodes He was the pride of his police department as the number one armed robbery buster... until he had his heart broken by the sudden flight of a fiancee from his life. Now "Detective Lovesick" finds his crime-fighting mojo and his chance at rising through the police hierarchy slipping away. Spending his days in a desperate search for the love of his life, Detective Lovesick is a man in love with himself and idolizes his drinking buddy, who is a romance psychologist. He loses himself to love easily, even at work, falling for every femme fatale he investigates and after a lot of hair pulling, ending each case with a marriage proposal. "Marry me or be under arrest." But will any woman accept such a proposal? Suspense, comedy and romance all converge in a libido-rich police drama unlike any you've ever seen. Utahime歌姫 가희 歌姫 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps|11 episodes The setting is a time when Japan is revving up for the post-war boom, but people’s hearts still bear the scars of war. The original stage play has been transformed into a TV drama by the scriptwriter who created “Hana Yori Dango (BOYS OVER FLOWERS)”. The atmosphere of the Showa Era is faithfully recreated as the passionate and humorous characters play out their loves and dreams, living life to the fullest. Tiger and Dragonタイガー&ドラゴン 타이거와 드래곤 天龍地虎 75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 10 eps / 120 min x 1 ep (special)|12 episodes Toraji is a stereo-typical yakuza who is hoping to become a rakugo (comic) storyteller. Ryuji is a designer who has terrible taste, but owns a fashion shop in Ura-Harajuku, a shopping district famous for its avant-garde clothing. The story develops around the relationships Toraji and Ryuji have with the offbeat and comical characters around them. This fast-paced comedy is a collection of one-off stories which blends the modern and traditional by basing each episode on a classic rakugo storyline. Half Docハンドク!!! 연수의 !!! 半個醫生 75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 9 eps.|10 episodes As a former gang member, Ichiban was witness to the worst side of the emergency medical system and vowed to become a doctor to change it. With the aggressive passion he learned on the streets, Ichiban has worked his way to becoming a no-nonsense emergency medicine resident. But it is this same passion that he must learn to control when confronted with a situation that is beyond his help. Ikebukuro West Gate Park池袋ウエストゲートパーク 이케부크로 웨스트 게이트 파크 池袋西口公園物語 75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 10 eps. / 120 min. x 1 ep. (Special)|12 episodes Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21 year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth gang called the G-Boys. Known for his cool head and ability to get things done, Makoto becomes a key trouble-shooter for the gang by diffusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm’s way. However, the death of his girlfriend and an escalating turf war with a rival gang threaten to be more than Makoto can handle. Love and Erosラブとエロス 사랑과 에로스 愛和欲 75 min. x 1 ep. / 60 min. x 11 eps.|12 episodes When Kasumi’s husband dies in a car wreck, Ryuichi vows to watch over her and her unborn son. Over the next ten years, he gradually falls in love with Kasumi. Now 35 years old, Kasumi has resisted loving another man for fear of reliving the pain of losing a loved one. She happens to meet Ryuichi’s bad boy younger brother and finds herself physically attracted to him; but Ryuichi finally acts on his bottled-up feelings for Kasumi and asks her to marry him. Kasumi must decide if she can bring herself to fall in love with a responsible man like Ryuichi, or if she can be content with the purely physical relationship that his brother can provide. Goodbye, Antsアリよさらば 개미여 안녕 再見螞蟻 60 min. x 12 eps.|12 episodes Rock ’n’ roll superstar Eikichi Yazawa plays a substitute high school biology teacher whose clumsy social skills steadily mature as he helps his students struggle to balance work, school and extracurricular activities. The result is a heartwarming drama of the mentoring role of teachers during the difficult transition to adulthood. |