TBS Program Catalog

THE MUSCLE DOOR マッスルドア   머슬 도어   肌肉門



THE MUSCLE DOOR is a social experiment reality show about ordinary young men desperate to acquire a strong, muscular physique. The show follows their two-month journey of physical transformation, culminating in a heroic attempt to heave open the three-ton MUSCLE DOOR.

Genre: Reality / Social Experiment
“머슬 도어”는 탄탄한 근육질 몸매를 얻기 위해 최선을 다하는 평범한 젊은이들의 모습을 담은 사회 실험적 리얼리티 쇼다. 이 쇼는 그들의 두 달에 걸친 물리적 변화를 관찰하며, 마지막에는 3톤 무게의 머슬 도어를 여는 영웅적인 도전을 한다.
「肌肉門」是一場社會實驗的真人實境秀,一般年輕男子為了擁有結實肌肉的體型,拼命鍛鍊體魄的努力過程,節目跟拍他們為期兩個月的集中訓練,和肌肉大改造的變化歷程。最後,他們嘗試英勇的打開重達三公噸的肌肉門 。

Amazing Animals

どうぶつ奇想天外!   동물 기상천외 !   動物奇想天外

Prepare to be entertained and enlightened in this quiz show featuring the amazing lives animals lead. In-studio guests earn points by answering questions on why animals do what they do based on video segments featuring animals from all over the world. The footage includes examinations of animal behavior with fascinating and humorous results.

Athletic Fire

炎の体育会TV   열띤 체육회 TV   火炎運動會TV

60 and 120 min|60 and 120 min series

The world's greatest female athletes challenge Japan's top comedians in sports battles designed to amaze and entertain. World record holders, international stars and the nations best women from swimming, volleyball, soccer, golf and martial arts have their hands full as they battle funny men in real competitions.

Batsu Bidding

キリウリ   페널티 비딩   才藝出清

“Batsu Bidding” is a studio based entertainment program with big impact humor. An auction is held where contestants try to become the winning bidder for the right to humiliate themselves. The contestant with the most outrageous suggestion wins the bid. However, prize money is only awarded to those winning bidders who step outside the studio and successfully complete the stunt. Laughter is the goal and viewers are richly rewarded.

Comedy Colosseum

ザ・イロモネア   코미디 콜로세움   搞笑競技場

In this reality competition series, comedians go head-to-head for a $10,000 prize by earning the most laughs from randomly selected audience members. The competition features five rounds, with contestants choosing from five different comedy genres for each performance.

Get 100

100げっちゅ〜   100 을 획득해라 !   百分百贏家

A quiz show whose answers are numbers between 1 and 99. Contestants accumulate points with correct answers and try to finish with as close to 100 as possible. The unique scoring system creates fierce rivalries as points won can be used to sabotage opponents attempt to get 100 points.

Justice is Blind: The Moving Tale of a Vision-Impaired Lawyer(Based on a True Story)

全盲の僕が弁護士になった理由   전맹인 내가 변호사가 된 이유 ~감동서스펜스 실화!~   全盲的我變成律師的理由~真實故事改編的懸疑劇~

120 min x 1 ep|1 episode

Based on the writings of a true life, vision-impaired lawyer comes a story about a blind man who manages to pass the extremely difficult bar exam and earn his lawyer’s license. Long desiring to help the weak, Kensuke Okochi gets a job at an attorney’s office while he and his wife, also blind, look forward to their first child. When a plaintiff in a divorce case decides to withdraw from litigation, Kensuke worries at first that it has to do with his own perceived inadequacies as a lawyer, but a few days later, he is visited by the female plaintiff, Satomi, showing injuries to her body. While it appears an open and shut case of domestic violence with an audio recording as proof, Kensuke detects a “certain scent” coming from the plaintiff which gives him pause as to her real intentions.

Know Your Limits

限度ヲ知レ   한도를 알라   尺度知多少

Know Your Limits is a new kind of reality comedy -- a hidden camera variety show that explores the boundaries of everyday life. To find "limits," our hidden camera actors push ordinary people to the boundaries of what is considered normal. The further we can go, the funnier it gets.


KUNOICHI   쿠노이치   誰是女忍者?

3 eps 150 ~ 180 min series|3 eps

A spin-off program from SASUKE. KUNOICHI (a word for a female ninja) puts professional and amateur athletes, celebrities and general participants on a challenging obstacle course. Who among these women has the skills and stamina to clear all areas and be crowned champion?

Muscle Ranking

筋肉番付   근육랭킹   挑戰冠軍王

60 min x 77 eps 30 min x 154 eps|Eps 231

Real athletic competition is on display in this sports game show. A field of competitors that ranges from unknown amateurs to world class professional athletes provides remarkable stories of human spirit and achievement. The competition features incredibly challenging games that have been specially designed for this show and include Super Rider, Handwalking, Kick Target and Service Ace.


陸王   육왕   陸王

120 min × 1 eps / 90 min × 1 eps / 85 min × 2 eps / 75 min × 2 eps / 60 min × 4 eps|10 episodes

Dramatization based on the novel “RIKUOH” by Jun Ikeido. Koichi Miyazawa is the CEO of the longstanding company which manufacture tabi(traditional Japanese socks). Due to a decrease of demand for tabi thesedays, the Company, Kohazeya, has fallen upon hard times. For the company's survival, Miyazawa strikes upon the idea of creating a new type of running shoe that utilizes “tabi” making techniques to make the user feel as if running in bare feet. But the road ahead for a cash-strapped local company with a small staff is steep, and Miyazawa runs into continuous roadblocks only to be saved time and time again by those around him. Will he succeed in launching his running shoe and saving his company? Follow Miyazawa in this uplifting tale of economic revitalization.