TBS Program Catalog

Comedy Colosseum ザ・イロモネア   이로모네아   搞笑綜藝王



Comedy Colosseum,ザ・イロモネア,이로모네아,搞笑綜藝王

Comedians are the contestants in a game show filled with tension, time limits and tons of laughter. Winners are those who can make the judges laugh while performing five different types of comedy.
개그맨들의 진정한 승부에는 웃음속에서도 긴장감이 넘친다. 「한방개그」 ,「숏트콩트」 등 다섯개의 장르를 거치며 심사위원을 웃긴 개그맨이 승자가 된다.
爆笑中充滿緊張,搞笑藝人個個使出混身解數為獲勝利。「急智玩笑」「短劇」等5個單元, 得到裁判歡笑的藝人就是勝利者。


時短生活ガイドSHOW   시간단축생활가이드 쇼   超省時生活

13 eps 60 min series|13 eps

Modern people leading busy lives, this is the show for you! Please tell us what you would like to do in shorter time, then we will teach you the techniques that will enable you to achieve it.

For example, we will teach you how to;
- Cook a gorgeous dinner for your family in 20 minutes!
- Get your three children up and ready for school in 5 minutes!
After you watch this show, we promise you will be able to have two additional hours a day!

Athletic Fire

炎の体育会TV   열띤 체육회 TV   火炎運動會TV

60 and 120 min|60 and 120 min series

The world's greatest female athletes challenge Japan's top comedians in sports battles designed to amaze and entertain. World record holders, international stars and the nations best women from swimming, volleyball, soccer, golf and martial arts have their hands full as they battle funny men in real competitions.


だがしかし   다가시카시   粗點心戰爭

30 min. × 12 eps.|12 episodes

Shikada dreams of becoming a famous manga artist. The only problem—he’s terrible. His real talent is selling the complex and delicious snacks in his father’s “dagashi” shop. He never thought much about the family business until the trendy, eccentric Hotaru showed up. As a lover of “dagashi,” she can’t let his talent go to waste and decides she won’t stop ‘til she’s sold him on sweets.

Happy Family Plan

しあわせ家族計画   행복 가족 계획   幸褔家庭計劃

60 min. x 91 eps.|91 episodes

A primetime game show that delivers edge-of-your-seat suspense. The father of participating families must master an assigned challenge in one week to win dream prizes for his wife, children and himself. Home video footage tells the story of each family's weeklong collaboration to prepare their father for his moment of truth in the studio.

★Airing on ITV as "Celebrities Under Pressure"

High School Chorus

表参道高校合唱部   오모테산도 고교합창부   表参道高校合唱部

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

Tokyo metropolitan Omotesando Senior High School is lorded over by a group of popular kids dubbed “the first team.” The rest of the student body either fall into the “second team” or lower, “the outsiders.” One day, a transfer student arrives at the school from the remote countryside as an unlikely heroine who “loves to sing!” The high school used to have one of the country’s best choruses, but is now facing the threat of closure. But the story’s heroine is determined to resuscitate the chorus and sets out to recruit new members. Fighting off a storm of ridicule and booing, she gradually begins to win allies to her cause with single-minded passion and hard work. What begins as a ragtag collection of misfits in a dorky glee club crescendos to a refreshing and bittersweet spring-of-youth drama!

Last Minute Doctor!

駆け込みドクター!運命を変える健康診断   의학 버라이어티 ~카케코미 닥터   出巡醫生

35 eps 60 & 120 min series|35 eps

This program examines from a physician’s standpoint little health signs that crop up, and what happens if left unchecked, taking a positive and proactive approach to learning about the human body in hopes of enabling all of us to live our next decades as the picture of health.

Samurai Harem

明日のよいち!   내일의 요이치!   明日的與一!

30 min. x 12 eps.|12 episodes

Yoichi has been raised in the mountains by his samurai father, and now has great athletic skill and swordsmanship. One day, his father tells Yoichi that staying with him would not further increase his skills, and so it is decided that to grow stronger in body and mind he is to move to the city. Entering an affiliated dojo in the city, Yoichi is pleased to find that four sisters live at the dojo: Ibuki, Ayame, Chihaya and Kagome. Seeing the big city and girls for the first time has got Yoichi all turned around! On top of that he’s got to deal with bullies at school and assassins out to get him. With all these distractions will Yoichi ever get around to his studies to become a great samurai?

Superhuman Coliseum


Performers demonstrate their "superhuman" skills in an attempt to win votes from the studio audience and a cash prize. These "superhumans," who each possess a unique but not particularly useful talent, partake in this unpredictable game show which may see a Guinness world record holder be defeated by a young child.

The Man with the God Tongue

神の舌を持つ男   擁有神之舌的男人   신의 혀를 가진 남자

75 min × 1 ep / 60 min × 9 eps|10 episodes

Ranmaru Tomonaga may be a bit naive and dorky, but he’s got something of an endearing quality that is hard to dislike. Above all, he has a tongue like a gas-chromatography device, capable of analyzing whatever it comes in contact with. Sure enough, that tongue leads him into all kinds of trouble as he gets embroiled in solving one puzzling mystery after another. Along the way, he picks up a sidekick; an “uzakawa” (cute, but annoying) suspense drama fan girl named Hikaru Kamekanbo. They meet up with Kanji Miyazawa, a straight-laced man who is the only person capable of reining in the quirky pair and keeping them out of trouble. The three of them become traveling companions, traversing the countryside in a beat-up automobile, sleeping and eating in some of the nation’s best-kept secret hot springs, and searching for the mysterious “onsen” geisha “Miyabi” in a comical mystery adventure.


ヤメゴク〜ヤクザやめてもらいます〜   야메고쿠 ~야쿠자 그만두겠습니다~   脫黑~不再當黑社會~

78 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

Inside the Metropolitan Police’s Organized Crime Task Force, a help line has been set up to assist repentant organized criminals in their effort to permanently cut ties with their syndicate. Dubbed the “Going straight hotline”, it is spearheaded by a fearless female police officer Bakushu Nagamitsu, played by former AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, who stands ready to crush anyone threatening those under her protective custody no matter how powerful that threat may be. Depicting the struggles and maturation of Bakushu and those around her, “Yamegoku” is a groundbreaking police drama with great heart and soul not seen since “SPEC” and “Keizoku”.