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Kumiko Aso (麻生久美子)
MIU404MIU404 75 min × 2 eps / 60 min × 9 eps|Eps 11 The No. 4 Mobile Investigation Unit was quickly pieced together as part of reform efforts to overhaul the police organization. There, a wild maverick of a cop, Ibuki, gets paired with a serenely composed partner, Shima. Their role is to be on call 24 hours to fill in gaps in police shifts by investigative Units 1 to 3, to be the first investigators on crime scene and to risk their lives for a perfect criminal apprehension rate. In an increasingly morally relativistic world, questions such as “What is real justice” are posed in thrillingly fast-paced and comical whodunit fare with each episode a complete story. SAVE OUR TOWN!ナポレオンの村 나폴레옹의 마을 拿破崙之村 85 min x 1 ep / 75 min x 3 eps / 60 min x 3 eps|7 episodes
"The word 'impossible' is not French."
Girls for Keepsガール 걸 (Girl) 粉領族 124 min. Yukiko, Seiko, Yoko and Takako are the most improbable group of friends given the fact that they work in very different industries and live in different worlds. Yukiko is a fashion maven devoted to expressing her individuality through clothes. But she’s pushing 30 now, and is beginning to acknowledge the pressure to dress appropriately for her age. Seiko has been promoted to a managerial position but finds herself having to constantly do battle with her elder male subordinates. Yoko fantasizes about marrying a gorgeously handsome company freshman 12 years her junior. Takako is a devoted single mother whose hard daily effort more than compensates for a father role. DOROROどろろ 도로로 多羅羅 DORORO 138 min.
Japanese manga master, TEZUKA Osamu.
NADA SOU SOU - Tears for You -涙そうそう 눈물이 주룩주룩 淚光閃閃 118 min.
The story is based on a million seller ballad, “NADA SOU SOU.”