TBS Program Catalog

BOX! ボックス!   복스 !   BOX!



BOX! ボックス!,복스 !,BOX!
(c) 2010 BOX! Production Committee

Timid honor student Yuki joins Ebisu High School's boxing club, aspiring to the raw power of his childhood friend Kabu, who's a bad boy boxing prodigy. Despite Kabu's laziness, he racks up a string of winning bouts through his natural talent for the sport. He may not listen to what anyone says, but he's willing to give it his all for the people close to him, including his coach. Bullied as a child, Yuki applies his no-nonsense character to training day in and day out through a sheer desire to become stronger, also gaining support from best friend Kabu. Under the coach's guidance, Yuki gradually builds strength, moving one step closer to undefeated high school rookie Kabu. Fate leads the two friends to become rivals... Fighting until the end, for a friend. What lies ahead for Kabu and Yuki?...
어릴적부터 친구인 개구쟁이 천재복서 카부의 파워를 동경하며 약골인 우등생 유키는 에 비스고교의 복싱부에 입단한다 . 타고난 복싱센스를 가진 카부는 시합에서도 단번에 연전 연승을 이룬다 . 게으르고 다른 사람의 말은 안중에도 없는 카부이지만 선배를 위해서는 몸을 아끼지 않는 일면도 있다 . 이지매를 당하던 유키는 친구인 카부의 도움을 받으면서 점점 강해지겠다는 일념하에 성실히 연습에 임한다 . 복싱부코치의 지도로 점차 강해지는 유키 . 고교복싱계에 일인자로 알려진 카부와 견줄만큼 성장해 나간다 . 드디어 두사람은 운명의 라이벌 관계가 되는데… 친구를 위해 내뻗은 주먹 , 그 앞에 두사람이 본것은….
體弱多病但成績優秀的Yuki,因為憧憬自己的青梅竹馬、調皮搗蛋卻是天才拳擊手的 Kabu,於是決定加入惠美須高中的拳擊部。性格雖然懶散但與生俱來拳擊天份的Kabu 在比賽中連戰連勝。他弔兒郎當的性格卻非常講義氣,常為朋友兩肋插刀。就在這位好友Kabu 的幫助下,曾經是常被同學欺負的軟腳蝦Yuki 下定決心秉持著他的信念和一向認真的精神開始了日以繼夜的鍛鍊計畫。加上有拳擊部教練的指導下,日漸強壯的Yuki 已經一步一步靠近號稱「高中拳擊界的無敵手」Kabu 越來越近了。終於, 兩個人成為了命運交戰的對手。為了自己的摯友所揮出的每一拳,兩個人看到的是...

Athletic Fire

炎の体育会TV   열띤 체육회 TV   火炎運動會TV

60 and 120 min|60 and 120 min series

The world's greatest female athletes challenge Japan's top comedians in sports battles designed to amaze and entertain. World record holders, international stars and the nations best women from swimming, volleyball, soccer, golf and martial arts have their hands full as they battle funny men in real competitions.

Her Granddaughter

娚の一生   남자의 일생   她的孫女

119 min.

Tired of a busy Tokyo career and painful relationships, Tsugumi quits her job and flees to the home of her grandmother in the countryside to restart her life. When the grandmother dies, Tsugumi encounters a college professor named Kaieda, who had borne a long admiration for the grandmother. Kaieda oddly finds himself irrepressibly drawn to Tsugumi and finds his way into moving in with her. Initially, the discrepancy in their ages is discomfiting to Tsugumi, but she gradually finds herself opening up to him. A young woman convinced she could never be happy. And a man in his 50s who had long abandoned thoughts of love or settling down. Here is a mature love story about how two very mismatched lives can come face to face with each other, bringing lessons about life and love.

High School Chorus

表参道高校合唱部   오모테산도 고교합창부   表参道高校合唱部

75 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 9 eps|10 episodes

Tokyo metropolitan Omotesando Senior High School is lorded over by a group of popular kids dubbed “the first team.” The rest of the student body either fall into the “second team” or lower, “the outsiders.” One day, a transfer student arrives at the school from the remote countryside as an unlikely heroine who “loves to sing!” The high school used to have one of the country’s best choruses, but is now facing the threat of closure. But the story’s heroine is determined to resuscitate the chorus and sets out to recruit new members. Fighting off a storm of ridicule and booing, she gradually begins to win allies to her cause with single-minded passion and hard work. What begins as a ragtag collection of misfits in a dorky glee club crescendos to a refreshing and bittersweet spring-of-youth drama!


カミワザワンダ   카미와자 완다   神技・旺達

30 min. x 46 eps.|46 episodes

Unbeknownst to most humans, every task they carry out is programmed, and it is thanks to mysterious creatures called “Promin” working in the background, that the world keeps functioning smoothly.
But an evil entity called Bugdeth has come to Earth seeking to create negative energy by causing bugs in the programs which will ultimately allow him to materialize in our world. Soon his minions, the Bug Bites, are turning the Promin into bugs in the system called “Bugmin.” These Bugmin wreak havoc and cause mischief. Suddenly people’s cars won’t stop, or they can’t lock their door!
Luckily, the King of a distant world has sent his son “Wanda” (the space dog?) to save Earth from Bugdeth, but he’ll need to find some help first. That is when Yuto, our reluctant hero appears.
Now Wanda must convince Yuto to help him capture and dubug the Bugmin using the two key items for such a purpose: a special flashlight and camera. Once Yuto is on board they can together capture and clean Bugmin to gain access to that Promin’s special abilities, called “Kamiwaza,” to fight other Bugmin!
Can this boy and dog(?) work together to save the Earth?


劇場版 MOZU   극장판 MOZU   劇場版 MOZU

116 min.

6 months have passed since national security policeman, Kuraki, along with fellow investigators Osugi and Akeboshi started poking around into a mysterious wife and child murder case. The so-called Mozu Incident exposed part of a shadowy organization within the police department, but proved to be only the tip of the iceberg for a much larger conspiracy. Two simultaneous terrorist acts, a skyscraper occupation and bombing, and the attacking to the embassy of Penam have put Kuraki and his team on the trail of “criminal planner” Takayanagi and professional assassin, Gondo. But they both work for someone deeper behind the scenes, cryptically known as “Daruma”, a man tied to Japan’s criminal history and who has been working on some elaborately nefarious plan. Kuraki and his partners’ pursuit of the truth take them to the Republic of Penam where they find themselves embroiled in deadly confrontation with their last true enemy, Daruma.


忍びの国   닌자의 나라   忍者之國

124 min.

It is a warring period in feudal Japan. The warlord, Nobunaga Oda, is rapidly vanquishing his foes on a quest to pacify and unify the country under his rule. However, there is one domain that he forbids to lay a hand on, that of the Iga ninja, whom even the great Nobunaga fears most. The Iga are known to wield extraordinary and supernatural powers as invincible weapons of war who will assassinate anyone for money, and money only. They don’t think of people as human and are dubbed “the killer clan”. But there is one Iga ninja, Mumon, who while peerless in ability is indolent and taken to task for an inability to earn much of an income. In the fall of the year Tensho 7, Nobunaga’s second son, Nobukatsu Oda, decides to ignore his father’s orders and attack the Iga country, partly encouraged by Taizen Heki, a man who had once turned on his master and was now employed as a vassal of Nobukatsu. Heibe Shimoyama, whose brother had been killed by Mumon also seeks revenge on the 12 Iga ninja core, including Sandayu Momoji and Kai Shimoyama. Amid various colliding interests and schemes, ultimately, a major bloody showdown is coming between Oda’s army and the Iga ninja.

Ninja Warrior

Ninja Warrior   닌자전사   忍者戰士

30 min: 135 eps 60 min x 2 eps Including special and preview episodes Spanish version (30 min): 21 eps|30 & 60 min series

Divided into four extreme stages, 100 competitors face the ultimate test of strength and will in their quest to become champion. Many are called. Few are chosen. Who’s tough enough to become the next Ninja Warrior! Produced by Monster 9 and airing on Japan’s Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), Ninja Warrior has become an international sensation.

★ Both on-air & clean video versions available to suit a licensee’s need
★ Sold in 157 countries and territories
★ Now available for all digital media

S: THE LAST POLICEMAN-Recovery of Our Future-

S 最後の警官 Recovery of Our Future   S 최후의 경관 Recovery of Our Future   S 最後的警官 Recovery of Our Future

119 min.

A nation of people seemingly content to go about their business, not thinking too much, but simply trying to lead normal and peaceful lives. And then one day, a bus jacking incident occurs to rouse them from their reverie.
Ex-boxer turned cop, Ichigo Kamikura leads the NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), called “S”, effort to deal with the crisis, but so far, no demands have come from the perpetrator, and a sinking feeling of impending doom sets in among the force. Sure enough, a massive tanker off the Japanese coast in the Pacific is next reported as having been seized! On board is enough nuclear fuel to blow up the entire country.
A final battle begins with the nation’s future and the lives of 120 million at stake.....!


東京PRウーマン   도쿄PR우먼   東京PR女人

83 min.

Reina Misaki is bank worker plagued by self-doubt for constantly bumbling her job. And then one night she attends a social mixer that leads to an interview with a public relations firm and a new job thanks to a whimsical president, despite her having given a very lackluster interview. On her first day at the new job, she is shocked to learn that her direct superior is Kusakabe, the very man who was so exasperated by her at the interview. Still, Reina also immediately earns the jealousy and enmity of fellow female workers who all pine after Kusakabe. But Kusakabe makes life a living hell for Reina, subjecting her to a daily barrage of work place abuse and criticism… until one day at a product meeting where she casually expresses an idea that much to her surprise gets adopted and becomes a major PR coup, drawing enormous media attention. Having transformed into the hottest person in the business, Reina is ecstatic when the company president names her to head up the next big account. It’s all smooth sailing until the day of the big campaign announcement when a host of trouble suddenly threaten to bring the world crashing down upon her. But someone steps in at the last minute with a helping hand: Kusakabe.


ヤメゴク〜ヤクザやめてもらいます〜   야메고쿠 ~야쿠자 그만두겠습니다~   脫黑~不再當黑社會~

78 min x 1 ep / 70 min x 1 ep / 60 min x 8 eps|10 episodes

Inside the Metropolitan Police’s Organized Crime Task Force, a help line has been set up to assist repentant organized criminals in their effort to permanently cut ties with their syndicate. Dubbed the “Going straight hotline”, it is spearheaded by a fearless female police officer Bakushu Nagamitsu, played by former AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, who stands ready to crush anyone threatening those under her protective custody no matter how powerful that threat may be. Depicting the struggles and maturation of Bakushu and those around her, “Yamegoku” is a groundbreaking police drama with great heart and soul not seen since “SPEC” and “Keizoku”.