TBS Program Catalog

MUMON 忍びの国   닌자의 나라   忍者之國



MUMON 忍びの国 닌자의 나라 忍者之國
©2017 MUMON Film Partners  ©2008 Ryo Wada / Shinchosha
MUMON 忍びの国 닌자의 나라 忍者之國
©2017 MUMON Film Partners  ©2008 Ryo Wada / Shinchosha
©2017 MUMON Film Partners  ©2008 Ryo Wada / Shinchosha

It is a warring period in feudal Japan. The warlord, Nobunaga Oda, is rapidly vanquishing his foes on a quest to pacify and unify the country under his rule. However, there is one domain that he forbids to lay a hand on, that of the Iga ninja, whom even the great Nobunaga fears most. The Iga are known to wield extraordinary and supernatural powers as invincible weapons of war who will assassinate anyone for money, and money only. They don’t think of people as human and are dubbed “the killer clan”. But there is one Iga ninja, Mumon, who while peerless in ability is indolent and taken to task for an inability to earn much of an income. In the fall of the year Tensho 7, Nobunaga’s second son, Nobukatsu Oda, decides to ignore his father’s orders and attack the Iga country, partly encouraged by Taizen Heki, a man who had once turned on his master and was now employed as a vassal of Nobukatsu. Heibe Shimoyama, whose brother had been killed by Mumon also seeks revenge on the 12 Iga ninja core, including Sandayu Momoji and Kai Shimoyama. Amid various colliding interests and schemes, ultimately, a major bloody showdown is coming between Oda’s army and the Iga ninja.
때는 전국시대. 오다 노부나가는 주변의 나라를 멸망시키고 천하통일을향해 오로지 달려왔다. 하지만, 한 나라만은 점령할 수 없었다. 바로 마왕노부나가가 가장 두려워했던 일족들. 이가(伊賀) 닌자군단. 그들은 자신의 초인적인 능력을 구사하여 전쟁터에서는 돈을 위해서 사람을 죽이는전투병기였다. 사람을 사람으로 생각하지 않는 잔인한 집단이었다.
그런 닌자의 한사람, 무몬은 이가 제일의 실력을 자랑하지만 엄청난 게으름뱅이이다. 아내인 오쿠니의 눈치를 보며 하루하루를 보낸다. 1579년노부나가의 차남인 오다 노부카쓰는 아버지의 명을 거역하고 이가를 공격하려고 결심한다. 예전의 주군을 배신하고 노부카쓰의 가신이 된 헤키다이젠, 무몬의 손에 동생이 죽어 복수를 맹새하는 시모 헤이베.
이에 대항하는 이가의 중진 모모치 산다유와 시모 가이, 그리고 닌자들.
다양한 인간들의 음모가 뒤섞이며 지략과 모략이 펼쳐지고 오다의 군대와 이가의 닌자들에 의한 장렬한 대전투가 시작된다.
時為戰國時代。 就在魔王織田信長接二連三的將諸國毀滅,邁向天下統一之時,僅有一個他絕對不願為敵的勢力。那就是信長最為恐懼的一族-伊賀・忍者軍團。這些忍者有著超人的能力和為了錢而不惜暗殺任何人的殘忍性格。他們似人非人,被稱作為虎狼一族。就在伊賀一族裡有個叫無門的忍者,是在伊賀裡號稱最強但卻是史上最懶惰的傢伙。

Her Granddaughter

娚の一生   남자의 일생   她的孫女

119 min.

Tired of a busy Tokyo career and painful relationships, Tsugumi quits her job and flees to the home of her grandmother in the countryside to restart her life. When the grandmother dies, Tsugumi encounters a college professor named Kaieda, who had borne a long admiration for the grandmother. Kaieda oddly finds himself irrepressibly drawn to Tsugumi and finds his way into moving in with her. Initially, the discrepancy in their ages is discomfiting to Tsugumi, but she gradually finds herself opening up to him. A young woman convinced she could never be happy. And a man in his 50s who had long abandoned thoughts of love or settling down. Here is a mature love story about how two very mismatched lives can come face to face with each other, bringing lessons about life and love.

I Just Wanna Hug You

抱きしめたい 〜真実の物語〜   안고 싶어   想擁抱

123 min.

Overcoming a tragic accident at a young age that confined her to a wheelchair and caused frequent memory loss, Tsukasa has an inspiring lust for life and energy. She plays sports and meets, then falls in love with, a young basketball-playing taxi driver named Masami. Soon, the two find themselves having to face a variety of challenges and difficulties form the world around them on their way to marriage and the dreams of building a blissful life together. This film is based on a miraculous story about an actual couple in Abashiri, Hokkaido. Tsukasa has been paralyzed on her left side since a traffic accident as a young girl, which also caused some brain damage, making her forget things easily.


図書館戦争   도서관 전쟁   圖書館戦争

128 min.

In 2019, public anger at media excess has led to censorship of television, newspapers, the internet, books, movies, and music under the 'Media Betterment Act'. To fight the armed 'Betterment Squads' that go around destroying objectionable materials, the nation's libraries have formed their own para-military 'Library Defense'. Iku Kasahara is a new recruit to the defense, where her instructor and squad leader is Atsushi Dojo. At first repelled by his by-the-book approach to leadership, she is gradually won over by his commitment to their battle for 'books' and 'the freedom to know'.


劇場版 MOZU   극장판 MOZU   劇場版 MOZU

116 min.

6 months have passed since national security policeman, Kuraki, along with fellow investigators Osugi and Akeboshi started poking around into a mysterious wife and child murder case. The so-called Mozu Incident exposed part of a shadowy organization within the police department, but proved to be only the tip of the iceberg for a much larger conspiracy. Two simultaneous terrorist acts, a skyscraper occupation and bombing, and the attacking to the embassy of Penam have put Kuraki and his team on the trail of “criminal planner” Takayanagi and professional assassin, Gondo. But they both work for someone deeper behind the scenes, cryptically known as “Daruma”, a man tied to Japan’s criminal history and who has been working on some elaborately nefarious plan. Kuraki and his partners’ pursuit of the truth take them to the Republic of Penam where they find themselves embroiled in deadly confrontation with their last true enemy, Daruma.

ROOKIES: Graduation

ROOKIES - 卒業 -   루키즈   菜鳥總動員: 畢業決戰 不良學園終極電影版

137 min.

A fired-up high-school teacher who teaches his baseball team the importance of having a dream, and the students he leads, burning with this dream of a national championship. A group of modern young people of the baseball club at Futakotamagawa High School: they have no hope for the future, and no idea of what they want to do. ‘The world is full of hope,’ a new teacher, Kawato shouts at them. ‘Don’t make fun of people who have dreams.’ Overcoming problems with the new players, and an injury to their captain, with Kawato, they move into the semifinal tournament that leads to their final chance at a national championship. Will the dreams of the Futakotamagawa baseball team come true? Meanwhile, graduation day draws near..…

S: THE LAST POLICEMAN-Recovery of Our Future-

S 最後の警官 Recovery of Our Future   S 최후의 경관 Recovery of Our Future   S 最後的警官 Recovery of Our Future

119 min.

A nation of people seemingly content to go about their business, not thinking too much, but simply trying to lead normal and peaceful lives. And then one day, a bus jacking incident occurs to rouse them from their reverie.
Ex-boxer turned cop, Ichigo Kamikura leads the NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), called “S”, effort to deal with the crisis, but so far, no demands have come from the perpetrator, and a sinking feeling of impending doom sets in among the force. Sure enough, a massive tanker off the Japanese coast in the Pacific is next reported as having been seized! On board is enough nuclear fuel to blow up the entire country.
A final battle begins with the nation’s future and the lives of 120 million at stake.....!

The Crimes That Bind

祈りの幕が下りる時   기도의 막이 내릴때   當祈禱落幕時

119 min.

A woman is found strangled to death in an apartment in Tokyo’s Katsushika Ward.
The victim is Michiko Oshitani, a resident of Shiga Prefecture who worked for a home cleaning company.
What’s more, the occupant of the apartment where the murder took place, Mutsuo Koshikawa, has gone missing.
Matsumiya (Junpei Mizobata) and his fellow detectives of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s Investigation Section 1 begin investigating, but hit a brick wall when they fail to find any links between Oshitani and Koshikawa.
Why was Oshitani, who lived in Shiga, killed in Tokyo?
Eventually, the detectives’ inquiries lead them to a theater director named Hiromi Asai (Nanako Matsushima).
They learn that Oshitani came to Tokyo to visit her former classmate Asai, but again come up with nothing when searching for connections between Asai and Koshikawa, and their investigation grinds to a halt.
Matsumiya has a hunch that a charred corpse found nearby the murder scene may have some relevance to the case, and subsequently discovers an item among the victim’s belongings with the names of Nihonbashi’s 12 bridges written on it.
When Kyoichiro Kaga (Hiroshi Abe) learns of this, he is deeply shaken.
It is somehow connected to his mother, who died alone...

The Floating Castle

のぼうの城   노보우의 성   傀儡之城

145 min.

Nearing the end of Japan’s long years of civil war, with Toyotomi Hideyoshi one short step away from finally uniting the land under his rule, he sends a massive army north against the Hojo clan, his last enemy. The one stronghold he cannot take is Oshi Castle, a Hojo outpost in the land of Bushu. Called ‘the floating castle’ because of the lake that surrounded it, it is under the command of one Narita Nagachika, an extremely popular ruler known to the people of his domain as ‘Nobou-sama’, from deku no bou, or ‘blockhead’.


東京PRウーマン   도쿄PR우먼   東京PR女人

83 min.

Reina Misaki is bank worker plagued by self-doubt for constantly bumbling her job. And then one night she attends a social mixer that leads to an interview with a public relations firm and a new job thanks to a whimsical president, despite her having given a very lackluster interview. On her first day at the new job, she is shocked to learn that her direct superior is Kusakabe, the very man who was so exasperated by her at the interview. Still, Reina also immediately earns the jealousy and enmity of fellow female workers who all pine after Kusakabe. But Kusakabe makes life a living hell for Reina, subjecting her to a daily barrage of work place abuse and criticism… until one day at a product meeting where she casually expresses an idea that much to her surprise gets adopted and becomes a major PR coup, drawing enormous media attention. Having transformed into the hottest person in the business, Reina is ecstatic when the company president names her to head up the next big account. It’s all smooth sailing until the day of the big campaign announcement when a host of trouble suddenly threaten to bring the world crashing down upon her. But someone steps in at the last minute with a helping hand: Kusakabe.

We Made a Beautiful Bouquet


124 min

Missing the last train of the day on Tokyo’s Keio Line at Meidaimae Station, college student Mugi Yamane (Masaki Suda) encounters Kinu Hachiya (Kasumi Arimura). Finding they have near identical tastes in music and movies, the couple quickly hit it off and embark on a romance that has them move in together when they graduate from college. They work temp jobs as they interview for full-time employment. They pick up a stray cat. Even as the iconic Shibuya Parco store closes and the mainstay TV show, SMAP×SMAP, airs its last show, Mugi and Kinu seek a status quo. They are inseparable and spend “the best 5 years ever!” hoping they’ll always be together. The many seasons they spend together will rekindle your memories of a halcyon time when the world was full of love.